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She started to tell me everything from the beginning...

"Sister, After you got married. I was kind of down and sad. Even I couldn't eat. At that time, my mother took me to the nightclub. At first I thought, She is taking me to hype, but what actually happened was that she set me off with an old man who is from the mafia. I don't know... He started to touch me and grope me. Guess what? My mother is quite enjoying the show. At some point, I slapped him and ran home. After one hour, She raged into my room and strangled me. I tried to push so hard, and then she said, 'Huh, Damn bitch, learn to get some power at least by yourself. Do you know how hard I tried to set up a meeting with him?' I cried as I shook my head.

'Look at that Viola. That bitch got herself a Mafia King.'

'Does she know? How could you do this to her? I yelled at her.

'Yaa, you stupid slut... I tried to marry you off with him, not her, but I don't know how damn she was able to catch his uncle's eyes. Now the past is past. Listen carefully. If you can't manage that old hag into you.. Don't imagine being alive.' She closed the door. That night, I decided to break off your marriage with him because I was afraid something would happen to you. There is nothing in this world more important to me than you. So I tried everything, and I used every chance I had. But nothing worked. I don't know what made you choose him, even after you came to know that he was the Mafia King. I found something off about this.. After that, only I came to know that you were pregnant and a mafia princess. At first, I didn't know what to do with this fact. I was afraid, that something would happen to you. Then that fact hit me hard. My sister is a mafia princess, so I planned to take a risk by calling that old hag. As soon as he saw me, he jumped on me. I pushed him away and asked him, 'Do you know who I am?' He simply replied to me by saying slut. 'Then do you know whose sister is this slut?' I asked him as he laughed at me. on my mobile screen as he saw our picture. There is terror in his face. At that moment, I figured out that you were safe. I starred at him... as he shuttered, 'Yo-u, yo-u mafia prin-c. Yes, I am. Now I am thinking, how should I make my sister torture you? I said as he begged me to forgive him. I left with a huge smile. I planned to come here, but that man called my mom before I could reach you. My mom dragged me and beat me in front of this house, beating me to death. I lay soullessly on the floor. 'Now go and tell her everything from the sky.' She said that and hanged me. I know she is trying to kill me, but I couldn't lift one finger against her." Evie said everything as I hugged her.

"You silly, you should've talked with me from the start." I patted her.

"Sister, Are you going to kill my mom?" She asked me with puppy eyes.

"Do you want me to?" I asked her as she shook her head, saying no.

"My little stupid." I patted her head.

Okay, take rest here. Don't come out. There will be a doctor visiting Evie, and don't worry, I will be here when the doctor comes." I said that and closed the door.

"You heard everything?" I smiled. 

MY POSSESSIVE HUSBAND IS MAFIA KINGWhere stories live. Discover now