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"Huh, you everything right?" I smiled as Aaran nodded and scratched his head.

"Sister, Can I talk with her?"

"No, she have to take rest." I said.

"I can accompany her though, If you want." Aaran said.

"Yaa, let me ask your brother then." I said.

"Sister..." He sulked.

"You.. better not try anything naughty with my sister." I pointed out and I'm going to hall.

"Okay. I won't. Trust me." He said as I sighed and left.

I got the call from Rodd.

"Honey, Your stepmother is in our basement. Wanna see?"

"Huh, in same roof as us?" I asked him

"Yes..." He said proudly.

"Haaaaa, Are you dumb? How can you be so reckless?" I sulked

"why? What did I done?" He asked me clueless.

"Yaaa, I took Evie home and you took who wants her to die at any cost. Does this make any sense Rodd?" I yelled.

"Dear no one can escape from my basement honey trust me." He smiled.

"You and your over confidence.. At least come home fast and changer her place. It's make me uncomfortable." I said and cut the call. However I couldn't take rest. So I went to basement.

As I entered the basement I saw two men standing in the entrance. When they saw me, they urged towards me. "Boss lady, May we know the reason of your presence."

"Should I report everything to you?" I asked them.

"It's not like that mam, We were ordered by boss that no one should be allowed without proper reason."

"Then you will allow a stranger with proper reason?" I asked them as they exchanged the looks.

"Just kidding, I want to see her situation." I said as I entered the basement without waiting for their answer. They followed me inside.

When I entered the room where my stepmom were tied. As soon as she saw me. She smirked.

"So..." While she opened her mouth to talk.

"Yes, I kidnapped you.. and going to torture you and pull out the all the nails of your finger and going to paint your skin with knife... ummmm" While I'm talking she yelled "Why the hell?" as I gave her death stare.

"You think, You can kill me? No, You can't even touch my hair. I have connection with mafias They will kill you." She blabbered.

"Are you hallucinating? Don't you know that my husband is Mafia king?" I asked her as she laughed like insane.

"Always there will be dad for dad. I have most powerful man in my hand." She laughed.

"What the heck you are talking?" I yelled at her as I got call from the Rodd.

"Where were you?"

"In basement."

"What the hell are you doing there? Come to the hall." He said as I cut the call and went to the hall as I saw Rodd was so tensed.

"What happened? Why are you looking so tensed?" I asked him.

"Viola, Something is off with your stepmother. Looks like she is having connection with president."

"Nah, You must be kidding... I knew her connection. If she has connection with president, Why would she tried to sell off my sister to a old hag." I said.

"You are being careless. Honey."

"What if she created fake scenery that's make us back for a moment." I asked him.

"That's could happen too. But we are not gonna take a step back, even if we are dealing with president." I said and went to my room.

"Like mother, Like daughter." Rodd mouthed.

As he received a call from unknown number..

"Yes mam."

"Sheetal (Evie's mother), created fake scenery. This is the correct time. Call my husband for dinner tonight. I will be there. Gotta see my daughter." She said.

"Okay mam." 

MY POSSESSIVE HUSBAND IS MAFIA KINGWhere stories live. Discover now