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Chapter 20

As Rodd held my hand, he said, "Honey, Don't jump to conclusions." I glared at him. I don't know how to put my feelings into words, and my heart started to race. While my father hugged my mom in happy tears as everyone watched them with a smile on their face.

"Honey, forgive me... I shouldn't have taken any decision rashly." My dad said that and kissed her.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have hidden anything from you." As they spoke, they both glared at me. Like what? Are they expecting me to hug them happily after giving me so much drama and trauma? They both walked towards me. I don't know; I sense heavy betrayal here because none of them told me the truth. I looked at them blankly.

"Viola honey," called mom.

"Stop there; you don't have to coax me. My mom died while I was a child. I don't need a mom now." I said as I turned to go from there, but Rodd held my hand and mouthed, Why?" As my mom stood like a statue.

"After my mother's brutal death, I had to live without emotion. Then Evie came and poured me with love, and you did, Rodd. What she did for me, was giving me a mental breakdown. She would've come out and said, 'Honey, your mom...! I'm here, and I have your back. Don't worry; fight for your way. Or She could've come and helped me escape from this mafia world.' But what she did made me enter the mafia world and kill enormous people with my hands. Do you know? How disgusted, I was about me. You can say that I have the title of Mafia princess. But what is the use of it? I couldn't yield peace from it or my mom from it." I said, What is messing with my heart.

"Honey, There were many reasons for my disappearance." She tried to explain herself.

"Could that reason bring back my childhood?" I asked.

"It's my mistake. It's me who..." While my father tried to talk.

"Yes, it's you who married another woman without caring about his own daughter, just for a baby boy. But guess what? Divines were working on your opposite.

"It's not like that." While he was trying to explain.

Oh, please, Stop your drama. Now explain why your dead wife is here alive."

"Okay, Then let's talk about our family issue later." She said this and pulled many pictures from her bag. I looked at the photos carefully, as they displayed Sheetal as a young woman.

"Okay, I don't get it." I said this as Evie held Aaran's hand.

"Sheetal is my opposite gang's Mafia Lord's daughter. Who came to kill me, but she actually fell for your dad. She did many dirty tricks to separate us. Unfortunately, We fell into her trap. At first, She was true to her marriage, but when she learned that I had become too powerful to handle, She became insecure. So She started to crave power and again entered the mafia world. She wasn't that known because Our clan destroyed her father's clan. However, She didn't want to stop there. She started to do everything that would give her power. But she didn't realise that she was becoming pathetic. Now she became crazy enough to kill her own daughter and play in my daughter's life." She said. But it didn't seem like a painful story to me.

"So Why are you here?" I asked her again.

"I'm here to protect my daughter and her family." She said.

"Where were you? When, Eastern Mafia clan's lord shoot me? Where were you? When I'm trying so hard to win the battle with others. Before Evie's birth, did you know? How much time do I have to spend in the dark room alone? Where were you? While Sheetal tried to burn my skin? Literally, you were dead to me when I went through a hard time. I still don't get why you were here. And I don't believe that you were here to protect me and my family. When I could do that easily." I scuffed.

"Viola, Truly, you are my daughter. You know how to play with words and hurt others." She smiled.

"I'm not playing with words. It's a fucking existing fact. Ms. Leeta." I said.

"Well, Do you think that you got married, Rodd, with your fucking status as princess? And When you got shot by the Eastern Mafia, What do you think , How were you saved? I get it; I wasn't your emotional support in childhood. But I've always been by your side." She says this as Rodd holds my hand, nodding yes.

"You knew this all along, Yet you acted like you knew nothing about it." I asked him, and Even Aaran got shocked. Aaran's facial expression showed that he didn't know anything. Everyone knew everything except me. I felt like my emotions were useless while they were talking. I freed my hand from Rodd's and looked at Evie.

"Thanks, Evie.. You are one who has always respected my emotions and emotionally supported me. Aaran, take better care of Evie. She is an angel. You know, Rodd, I'm cutting my ties with you. When you said, There shouldn't be any secrets between husband and wife, I followed it with my whole heart. I even shared my dark secrets with you. I'm cutting ties not because you hide a secret from me but because I'm so incompetent, that's why." I said this and turned towards my mother. "I missed you a lot, and I always thought about you, whatever I did." Even, I talked with Sky many times, I thought that you were there. While thinking about those moments, I feel so pathetic now. Everyone accepted your presence because your absence didn't bother them, and I don't recall dad's face while he missed you. He has always been happy with Sheetal. Evie and I were always lonely during our childhood. Thanks for protecting me from childhood. From now on, you deal with Sheetal. I'm tired, and I feel so empty trying to deal with this trauma you guys are giving me. I want you to spend my days with me for me and for my baby, and I even thought of naming my baby after your name. but not anymore." A tear slipped from my eyes as Aaran and Evie held my hand. "Sister..." Aaran called me. "It's okay, Aaran. Don't worry, Evie will take care of you, and she has the heart of a mother." I said, and I packed my things. I came down.

I looked at Rodd for the last time. My decision may shock them. They all looked like statues. Rodd was standing with tears in his eyes, as was my mother. Evie and Aaran were crying like children who were separated from their mothers. My father looked so gloomy. I let out a large sigh.

"You guys may think Sheetal was the villain. You guys are wrong. The real villain is dishonesty in relationships. If I knew that my mother was alive, I wouldn't be standing where I am today. She may have protected me in many ways, but thinking about the pain my heart has gone through in her absence, She won't be able to heal my heart, and Rodd? He should've told me everything while he was expecting me to be true. So I'm leaving them to heal myself."

After one month, Rodd was in his room. "Brother, come, let's eat our breakfast." Aaran said.

"I don't even know why I'm still alive. That's all. She is so stubborn. I lost her. I lost my gem, my love, and my life." Rodd cried aloud as Aaran stood at the door, sighing.

"In two months, she has to go through labour pain; I won't be able to support her. I won't be able to kiss my baby on the forehead." Rodd cried.

"Here, I already booked a flight ticket to Canada. I sent you my sister's address. Go, find her and beg for mercy. Before that, stop whining like a brat. But go with the plan because my sister is really stubborn." Aaran said that and left.

After two days in Canada.

Ding-Dong... I heard a ringing bell. When I opened the door. I found the little parcel. Hummm, it looks like chocolate. When I opened the parcel. It's pure Belgian chocolate. I let out a sigh.

"Rodd, who the hell gave you my fucking address?" I yelled.


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