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As Rodd said, He prepared everything without my knowledge. Meanwhile, Aaran was talking with Evie.

"Why are you here? Where is my sister?" She asked him.

"I don't know, maybe with my brother." Replied Aaran.

"Oh, Why are you here?"

"To serve you."

"I don't need your help. Kindly get out." Evie said that as Aaran's facial expression changed, he faked his smile.

"Evie, I get it. You are mad at me, and I'm ready to apologise a thousand times If you want. But don't push me away from you. I know I have hurt you a lot before. You know the reason too. Even though I had a crush on you, You left me with no choice but to fight for my brother and sister-in-law's peace and love." He said this and squeezed his hand. Evie noted that and placed her hand in Aaran's hand.

"It's okay. I knew I was an annoying bitch." She said this and held his hand slowly as he looked into her eyes.

"But you don't have to tell me those things before you apologise." Evie pouted as Aaran moved further. Now they were looking into each other's eyes. They were close enough to feel each other breathe. The situation forced them to close their eyes as they pressed their lips against each other. Evie grabbed his shirt and got too close, feeling his body heat as he grabbed her wrist. Suddenly, they were shocked by the door opening sound.

"What the fuck, Aaran?" I yelled.

"Sister, it's me Who kissed him." Evie replied.

"Evie, He is not good for you. Even though she kissed you first, How could you let her say this, Aaran? Don't you care about your girl's pride?" I said this in a serious tone as Evie smiled, but Aaran was terrified as I walked towards him.

"Tell me, How could you do this to her?" I asked him in a stern tone as he gulped.

"S-Sister-r-r." He blurted.

"Sister, Stop teasing him. He is a scaredy cat." Evie said.

"Already, you started to cover for him. Huh. Evie, don't make me jealous. I will marry you off to another man." I laughed as Aaran looked at us confusedly.

"What are you looking at? If you don't spoil my sister, Don't bother to live on this earth." I said this as Evie smiled, but Aran still looked terrified.

"Sister, It's not like I betrayed you, but my feelings for her..." I interrupted him.

"It's okay, dear. I know everything.. Take your girl with you. Make her stay with you in your room. I've got to spend some alone time with my husband." I said this as they both went to the Aaran room happily. I smiled at them while watching them. I sat on my bed as Rodd happily ran towards me.

"What? Why are you running like this? I asked him as he smiled shyly.

"Aaran told me."

"What did he tell you?" I asked him in shock.

"honey, Don't act. He said that you wanted to spend time with me. So I rushed here. You know." He pouted.

"I just joked with him." I said this as the happiness in his face faded.

"You know, we haven't..." I interrupted him by saying, "What do I know? We have many problems to solve, and we don't have any time for this." As he left the room, and I smiled.

I planned a special night for us. As I started to decorate the room. I got tired, so I went sit on the couch, and I got a text from Rodd saying, "Honey, Get ready for a special occasion."

I wondered what occasion he was talking about, and thinking by myself, I went outside to check. House maids are really working hard, as I found cooks busy in the kitchen. I looked for Evie and Aaran, but they hadn't come from the room. So I asked one of the maids what the occasion was, but they told me that they didn't know and that they had just received the order from Rodd.

I assumed that he was planning a surprise.

In the evening, I was in my room getting ready for an occasion that I don't know the name of. One of the maids came and informed me that my dad was here. For a moment, I didn't understand anything. What he is planning, including my dad. I went down with the confusion.

My dad warmly hugged me and asked for Evie. I told him that she was taking a rest. As Evie came down well dressed with Aaran.

Now, Evie introduced Aaran as her boyfriend to our dad. While we were talking. Rodd entered the hall with the masked lady. While I was thinking, Who is she? my father's facial expression changed.

I looked at them, confused. As that lady removed the mask. Heck, she looks like my mother. While I'm thinking, Lee," my dad called her with tear-filled eyes,

Wait, wasn't my mom dead long ago? Who is she? While I was thinking, she came and hugged me as I pushed her away.

"Can someone explain what is going on here?" I asked as Rodd held my hand.

MY POSSESSIVE HUSBAND IS MAFIA KINGWhere stories live. Discover now