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I opened the paper as I saw, "Help me to get out. She is planning to kill me."

Wth?" I yelled furiously as Rodd calmed me.

"You shouldn't be yelling. It will affect our child." Rodd said.

"Wait, What is happening here? Sister?" Aaran asked me.

"I will tell you later, but for now, We have to change Evie's hospital." I said as Aaran called someone, telling them that he needed their help.

"And for you, Rodd, I want you to keep my stepmom busy by kidnapping and torturing her." I said this as Rodd frowned his brow.

"Babe, this is not good for your mental health." He said as I shook my head, No.

"It was for my mental health." I said as I went to my room as Rodd went to kidnap my stepmother.

In the hospital, "You think you can tell everything to Viola?" Stepmother laughed as she looked at Evie creepily as Evie looked at her terrified.

"Umm, If I can't use you to get Viola power.. then there is no need for you to live. Right?" She said this with worry as she continued to talk. "It's also hard for me too, to kill my one and only daughter, but I'm more excited with my plan... Want to know what I'm going to do? Well, you can watch that from above." She talked like a real psychopath.

"Lemme cut your connection." Our stepmother went to unplug the connection, and suddenly one of the staff nurses ran towards them as she took her hands from the connection.

Mam, the chief doctor is calling you." That nurse took Evie's mom from there, just as one of our men took Evie from there.

As soon as Evie's mom entered the doctor's cabin. Welcome, shameless lady." Doctor said.

Doctor, mind your words. Who are you calling shameless?" She raged.

"Stuff her mouth and take her away." He said this as one of the nurses punched her back, stuffed her mouth, and took her as he removed the mask. Yes, It was our innocent Aaran.

He removed his glove, went to the storeroom, and took Evie. She couldn't walk, so he made her sit in the wheel chair and took her.

While they are driving.....

"So, you are a good person?" He asked her as she looked at him and turned her head to the road direction.

"Okay, Sorry... I was a jerk before, but you were an actual bitch, you know... Right?" He said.

"So, What? You want me to become your friend now after acting that way. Man, just drive the damn car." Evie said But shamelessly, Aaran said, "I don't want to be your friend, I want to be more than that."

"What?" She raised an eyebrow as they came to our home. I waited for her in front of the house anxiously. As soon as I saw her, I ran towards her. We hugged through tears.

"I thought I couldn't see your moon face here after.. Sis." Evie cried.

"Idiot, I won't even let Grim Ripper take you. I will fight for you no matter what." I said as we cried on each other's shoulders.

"I'm so sorry, sis, for what I did to you... I hurt you a lot." Evie cried.

"That is nothing, you little crying baby... I know you weren't doing it on your own." I patted her as she settled. We went inside the home as we went to my bed room.

She started to tell me everything from the beginning.....

MY POSSESSIVE HUSBAND IS MAFIA KINGWhere stories live. Discover now