Chapter 3: Moving In

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"Fitz can you take me home?" Sophie asked as him as she remembered Dex. Fitz nodded and leaped her home. Fitz brought Sophie up to her new bedroom and laid her down on her bed. He then laid down next to her. She snuggled up close to him and fell asleep feeling the rising and falling of his chest.

The next morning Sophie woke with Fitz not next to her. She sat up and looked around. She hailed Fitz and he told her that he had to go home and pack since Grady gave him permission to move in with her. Sophie smiled as she got up. Sophie changed into a blue tunic and back pants. Vertina popped into the mirror and said,

"Wow Sophie you look fantastic! Blue works on you."

"Thanks." Sophie blushed.

"Are you getting bigger? No offence." Vertina asked.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you... I'm pregnant." Sophie squealed.

"Really! I'm so happy for you." Vertina added. Sophie grinned and Vertina vanished. She walked down the stairs and some kind of yellow mush that tasted like eggs was waiting for her. Sophie ate super fast, and when the mush didn't satisfy her hunger she ate some mallowmelt. Sophie finished eating as Fitz walked through the door with a bunch of boxes.

"Hey babe." He said then he planted a kiss on her lips. She kissed him back. They finally pulled apart after 5 minutes. He set the boxes down and said,

"Baby you look beautiful." Sophie blushed and thanked him. She grabbed one of the lighter boxes and carried it up to their bedroom. She set the box down and opened it. I had Fitz clothes in it. Sophie walked to her closet and started putting his shirts on hangers. Then, she put his pants in the drawers inside the closet. Next, she put his shoes on the floor of the closet. Finally she set his underwear and socks in a different drawer.

"I see you already unpacked my clothes." Fitz grinned as he walked up with a box full of his knickknacks. He put them on top of Sophie's dresser with all of her different accessories and elixirs in it. Sophie blushed and she laid down on the bed. Fitz laid down next to her and asked,

"Sophie do you want to go on a date with me?"

"I'd love to." She smiled getting up. "Just let me get ready and then we can go." She added. Fitz walked out of the room and Sophie changed into a blue and black laced dress. She drank a hair curling elixir and clipped a chunk of her hair back with a black barrette. Sophie also wore her black short heels, then she painted her her nails with a fast drying blue nail polish.

Sophie walked out of the room and walked down to find Fitz standing and waiting for her.

"You look so beautiful." He stated

"Thanks you look handsome as well." She replied.

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