Chapter 23: I Refuse

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"Come on Sophie! Now that you can get up and walk around we need to go see Physic!" Fitz grumbled trying to pull Sophie up.

"I don't want to go out, people are going to judge me," Sophie pouted as a glaze of water spread across her dark brown eyes.

"Sophie people won't judge you, they don't even know there is more than one baby, also Biana, Marella, and your mom will do just fine taking care of them." Fitz whispered planting a soft kiss on Sophie lips.

"Fine," Sophie sighed reluctantly standing up and hugging Fitz. She placed her hands on his shoulders as she regained her balance. He wrapped his strong arm around her waist and they walked into the living room.

"Don't forget, they basically run on the same schedule," Sophie reminded Edaline, Biana, and Marella. They all nodded and with that Sophie and Fitz light leaped to Physics office.

Sophie and Fitz made it to Physics office and they walked straight into the examination room. Sophie sat on the bed and shivered remembering the cold feeling of these beds when she was in the Forbidden Cities.

"So Sophie how have you been feeling?" Physic asked her.

"Pretty good, mainly just tired and sore." Sophie replied

"Have the triplets been difficult?" Physic asked. Sophie nodded and sighed.

"I hated having to leave them today, I love them so much," Tears started forming in Sophie's eyes.

"I see your hormones are still acting up," Physic observed scribbling some notes down. She then took Sophie blood pressure and checked everything else.

"You seem perfectly normal for being your length​ of postpartum," Physic smiled at them.

"Thank you so much Physic," Sophie smiled. She got up from the bed and her and Fitz walked out the door handle in hand.

"Let's go clothes shopping," Fitz suggested.

"For me or the babies?" Sophie asked.

"Both," he smiled and he pulled out his Pathfinder and they were swept away. They arrived in Atlantis and Sophie was scared of how people would look at her. They didnt know she had triplets but they did know that she already had a kid at 18.

Sophie squeezed Fitz hand tighter as they walk up the streets to the baby clothes store.

"We should only buy girl clothes so people don't suspect anything," Sophie told Fitz. He nodded and they started to pick out clothes.

Sophie found some cute matching outfits for the girls. The cutest one was a purple onesies with a blue bow and the onesie said, "I'm cute but my mommy is beautiful!" Fitz found some cute matching outfits and some were gender neutral for little Emmett.

When they finished shopping for the babies Fitz took her to the jewelry store and let her pick out three new charms for her charm bracelet. Each one represented one of her babies.

As they walked along the streets they forgot about the world around them and just focused on each other. That was before Sophie got a call on her imparter from Biana.

"Hey Biana is there trouble?" Sophie asked. She could tell something was wrong because all of the color was drained from Biana's face.

"Sophie you need to get back right now, emergency!" Biana yelled before hanging up. Fitz fumbled with his pathfinder but got it stable, he wrapped his arm around Sophie's waist and they leaped back to Havenfield.

"What happened?" Sophie studdered as she ran into the house.

"Alyssa is gone," Biana cried. Sophie stumbled backwards and almost fell over, but Fitz caught her and leaned her into his chest.

"How?" Sophie managed to sputter out as sobs escaped her lips.

"Marella was watching her and then the next thing we know I went in there to check on them and Alyssa and Marella were missing." Edaline told Sophie.

"We're going to get Alyssa back!" Fitz comforted Sophie.


Hey guys! First thank you for 11K reads! Please don't think that I am mean to the characters! I swear things are going to get better! Also please check out my new KOTLC fanfiction called Transfered to Foxfire, it is about a girl named Lydia that gets a scholarship to Foxfire Academy and she learns some pretty interesting things.

- teamxsophitz

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