Chapter 8: Wedding Bells

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"Oh Sophie you look beautiful!" Biana gushed as she ran to give Sophie a hug before the wedding started.

"Thanks now go get into your spot with Keefe." Sophie said.

"Fitz will love this dress." Biana added before she walked away and stood next to Keefe. Her and Keefe had been dating for about 3 years now. It has been a long time since then. Sophie looked into the small mirror in her hand before she set it down and looked straight forward. The music started and all of the brides maids, the ring bear and the flower girl had walked down the isle. Sophie was wearing a wedding dress that was black at the top but melted off into white and in the center of the white a black swan was sewn into the dress (image of the dress on top just imagine it with a back swan on it). Sophie saw Fitz with the biggest grin on his face.

"Nice dress beautiful." Fitz whispered to her.

"Thanks." She replied.

"Today we are gathered here today for the joining of Fitz Vacker and Sophie Foster." The priest said.


"Fitz I never in a million years thought I would be standing here today with you. But now that a child came into the picture I knew you had always been the person for me. I remember the day you took me from the humans. That day changed my life forever. And this day is going to change my life too. Fitz you saved my world. You saved me." Sophie said as a tear rolled down her cheek and she slipped the ring onto Fitz's finger. Fitz wiped the tear from her cheek before he started speaking.

"Sophie I knew the day I found you that all of those years of searching had paid off. You came in and changed my whole perspective on life. You taught me to treasure the things I had. You were the person to cheer me up. And everyday I made it my goal to protect you through all of the rough times. Never once did I wanted to leave your side during fights with the Neverseen. I love you Sophie Foster and I always will." Fitz said slipping a ring onto Sophie's finger.

"Do you Fitz Vacker take Sophie Foster to be your wife?" The priest asked Fitz.

"I do." He smiled blinking the tears away.

"Sophie Foster do you take Fitz Vacker to be your husband?" The priest asked Sophie.

"I do." Sophie smiled letting the tears spill down her face.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride." The priest said. Fitz and Sophie's lip crashed together and they kissed for about a minute. But that minute felt like a hundred years. They pulled apart. Sophie grabbed Fitz hand and they ran out of the church.

"Thank you for being my wife." Fitz smiled at her as they leaped to the beach where they were having the after party. When everyone got there they had a big feast and then afterwards Sophie threw the flower bouquet the gnomes had made her. And of course Biana caught it.

"Keefe it looks like we are next." Biana cooed.

"Keefe, Biana, Dex, and Jensi. Fitz and I need to talk to you in private." Sophie said as she led them away from the party.

"So something happened two days ago and it wasn't a good thing." Sophie murmured.

"Oh my parents told me, do you want me to tell them?" Biana asked. Sophie nodded and Biana said,

"Sophie and Fitz lost the baby."

"Oh Sophie I'm so sorry." Keefe said.

"You just said Sophie." Sophie smiled giving Keefe a hug.

"I'm still allowed to say Sophie right." Keefe question.

"Of course you are." Sophie replied. Keefe gave Fitz a bro hug and then Jensi walked away and Dex came up to Sophie.

"Sophie I'm so sorry." Dex said letting a tear escape his eye.

"Dex don't cry." Sophie said rubbing his back.

Fitz then grabbed Sophie's hand and whispered," We have to leave now." Sophie nodded and followed Fitz.

"Bye mom and dad I will see you in what 3 weeks." Sophie murmured giving Grady and Edaline a big hug.

"See you then Sophie." Edaline smiled. Sophie and Fitz waved before they headed up to a log cabin in Happy Hollow. The light swept them away and when they arrived all of their bags were already there.

"We should head to bed." Fitz suggested.

"I agree." Sophie breathed. Sophie let out a deep breath and changed into her pajamas and fell into a deep slumber.

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