Chapter 9: The First Week

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**The First Day**

Sophie woke up the next morning and decided to make breakfast for her and Fitz. Sophie fixed up some pancakes and added whipped cream and cherry pie filling on top of them.

"Do I smell food?" Fitz asked wrapping his arms around Sophie from behind and resting his chin on her head.

"Maybe." Sophie smirked getting out of Fitz grip and sitting down in one of the chairs at the table. Fitz grabbed his plate and started eating really fast. When he was done he patiently waited for Sophie to finish before picking her up and carrying her to their bedroom.

"How many kids do you want?"

"5 how about you?" He replied playing with her hair.

"6, I have always wanted a big family." Sophie replied smiling.

**The Second Day**

"Do you want to go swimming?" Fitz asked Sophie.

"Sure but we didn't bring bathing suits." Sophie said.

"I brought some." Fitz smiled as he handed her a bikini. They quickly changed and before Sophie could even blink, Fitz slung her over his muscular shoulder and ran outside before throwing her into the water.

"Oh I'm gonna get you back big time." Sophie grinned as she resurfaced above the water. 

"Love you too baby." Fitz smiled. then he dived into the freezing water. The next thing Sophie knew she was being pulled underwater by a pair of strong arms. Fitz pulled her close to him and kissed her. Sophie couldn't believe that she just kissed the man that was now her husband underwater. Sophie pulled away and swam up to the beach. Soon after Fitz resurfaced. Fitz splashed Sophie with water and then she yelled,

"Oh it's on!" Sophie then scooped up a giant handful of wet sand and threw it at Fitz. It hit him in the chest. Fitz then ran out of the water and grabbed her and lifted her onto his shoulders. Sophie held onto Fitz hair as he carried her back to the house. 

**The Third Day**

Sophie smiled when she realized the pregnancy test was positive. Then she burst out of the door.

"We are having a baby, Fitz!" Sophie cried. Fitz closed a hug around her and replied,

"Do you want to wait to tell everyone because of last time?" Fitz suggested.

"I think it'll be fine," Sophie hoped. Fitz nodded and pulled out his imparter. First they called Alden, Della, and Biana, then they called Grady and Edaline and Grady wasn't too happy. Next was Keefe, and let's just say he was overjoyed. Then there was Dex, But he was surprisingly happy for them. Next was the council, but then Sophie realized that they didn't know that she lost the baby and then got pregnant again. So Sophie thought that she would just say that she was 1 month "late" because she grew up with humans. 

**The Fourth Day**

"Boy or girl?" Sophie asked as she scooped a spoonful of cereal into her mouth. 

"Girl. Why?" Fitz replied.

"I think boy." Sophie smirked. "I have that gut feeling it is a boy." She added. 

"May the best parent win." Fitz smirked.

"Sure it's on! But don't be a sore loser when you loose." Sophie replied.

**The Fifth Day**

Sophie woke up to the smell of a wonderful breakfast being made. Sophie stepped out of bed and walked up to the mirror in the room she was in. Sophie lifted her shirt and she saw a little pudge in her belly. There was a baby growing inside of her. She promised herself, I will keep this baby alive even if that means I stay in bed for 5 months. Sophie had already started thinking of names like,





and Jay

Sophie loved all of those names. She knew it was going to be a boy. She just knew it. Sophie then walked into the kitchen and said,

"So how about we do this, you choose a girl name and I will choose a boy name." 

"Sounds good." Fitz smiled. 

**The Sixth Day**

Sophie layed in the bed as Fitz paced around the room. He kept trying to think of good girl names but the only one he had thought of was,

Jamie. Then it came to him,






**The Seventh Day**

"So I was thinking we should go home one week early because I'm pregnant." Sophie told Fitz.

"Yeah that sounds good." Fitz smiled.

"I was wondering do you have a blue crystal?" Sophie asked.

"Yeah why?" Fitz asked curiously.

"Because maybe we could go to the Forbidden Cities and I could get an ultrasound so we can know if we are having a boy or a girl." Sophie replied.

"Sure, but what is an ultrasound?" Fitz asked.

"It is when you go to the doctors and they put this gel on your stomach and they can see the baby in your stomach." Sophie replied.

"I'm so in." Fitz smiled.

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