Chapter 25: The Telepath

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The sound of feet pacing along the ground kept getting louder. Sophie and Fitz had both been waiting for the search team to come back and give them news.

Fitz tried to convince Sophie to let him help but she didn't want him to leave her with both if the babies. She also needed the help of her congate to search for Alyssa's thoughts. She had some signs of a faint baby thought but she couldn't distinguish where they were from. She was getting closer every time she tried though.

The babies were now one month old and both of them had giggled and given the biggest toothless grins. Sophie started to cry everytime one of them did a new thing because she knew she was missing Alyssa do all of them.

The search party arrived but had nothing to offer. Sophie grabbed Fitz hand and he kissed her forehead. She closed her eyes to rest but then she heard something.

Help! A voice called out. Sophie gasped and placed her free hand over her mouth.

"Did you hear it too?" Fitz asked her. She nodded and their cognate rings snapped together.

"I'm gonna try to track the voice," Sophie told him. He nodded and she focused her concentration on the voice. She was able to locate it and called out,

"The voice came from the Forbidden Cities, New York City to be exact."

"Then we shall go to New York City." Keefe called out. He had been the first to volunteer​ for the search party.

"No Keefe, I need you and Biana to stay here with the babies, this is a job for Fitz and I." Sophie argued.

"Okay," Keefe sighed. Sophie gave him a hug and ran inside to grab hers and Fitz stuff. She quickly came out with it and Fitz pulled out his blue leaping crystal. She held onto Fitz and they were swept away into the light. They landed and the streets of New York were as busy as ever.

"Who would even be able to transmit to us?" Fitz asked Sophie.

"A telepath," Sophie answered.

"Do you think it could have been Alyssa?" He asked.

"Maybe," Sophie shrugged. They trudged forward to a building that felt strong with elven powers. Sophie grabbed Fitz hand and she sucker punched the door down. They burst inside but it was just a dark hallway. They decided to head left first and started opening every door possible.

There was nothing though. Sophie went back and double checked all of the rooms just to make sure. They quickly made their way to the right side and started doing the same thing. Sophie opened a door and inside stood Harper holding a knife.

"Well hello Sophie," Harper said with a sickening grin on her face. Sophie could feel all of the emotions she had knotted up in her chest ready to burst out. She looked up to see Harper about ready the throw the knife. She closed her eyes and let out all her emotions and opened her eyes to find Harper on the floor and a knife​ clattering down next to her. Sophie grabbed some rope from her backpack and tied Harper's hand and feet together. She scanned the rest of the room but it was only Harper in there.

"Sophie!" Fitz called. Sophie burst out of the room and followed Fitz voice to an open door. She peered in and there was a crib in there. Sophie's rushed in and picked up Alyssa.

"It's okay Alyssa, mommy has you," She cooed to her daughter. Sophie draped a blanket over her shoulder and laid Alyssa on it.

"Should we check the other rooms?" Fitz asked.

"Yes, just to make sure nobody else is here," Sophie replied. They headed to the next door and opened it there was a closet attached to it and Fitz opened the door. Inside was Marella. She seemed to either be knocked out or on sedatives.

"We need to get her back, she could be holding vital information, I'm calling for backup," Fitz told her. He stepped away from the closet and pulled out his imparter. He called Keefe and told him that they needed help.

No less than five minute later, Keefe, Tam, Biana, and Linh were standing there. Biana took Alyssa from Sophie and leapt back to Havenfield right away. While the other three were getting Marella and Harper out of the building Sophie went to the last door.

She tried to twist the doorknob, but it was locked. With the training Sophie had had she was able to explode the knob, she pushed the door open and inside was a girl. She had a gag in her mouth and her hands and feet were tied to a chair. Sophie pulled the gag from her mouth quickly.

"Who are you?" Sophie asked.

"The name's Sid, I'm a Telepath," The girl answered. She was the girl that had reached out to Sophie, she was the Telepath.

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