Chapter 21: Surprised?

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"You actually want sedatives?" Fitz asked.

"I just heard something about sedatives, sweety are you feeling fine?" Edaline asked Sophie.

"If I don't get sedatives chances are very high that I will inflict on everybody in the room." Sophie told them.

"So, your water finally broke I have been waiting for days!" Edaline squealed.

"How many people did you tell?" Sophie asked Fitz.

"My parents, your parents, Dex, Biana, Tam, Linh, and Keefe." Fitz replied.

"Okay, tell them that I say hi and that I am actually on sedatives." Sophie told him. Then she took the vial of sedatives Physic handed her and drank it.

Her whole body relaxed and all of the pain went away.

"This isn't as bad as I thought." Sophie giggled.

"The sedatives will cloud your mind for about thirty minutes but then your thoughts should return to normal." Physic told Sophie and Fitz.

"Okay, I'm gonna take a nap," Sophie giggled before fall fast asleep.

While Sophie slept all of her friends arrived.

"Where is she?" Keefe asked rather loudly.

"Shh! She is sleeping and is on sedatives," Fitz told Keefe as him and Biana crammed into the room.

"Sophie took sedatives?" Keefe asked.

"I know it's a big shocker but it's so she doesn't inflict on anyone." Fitz explained.

"That makes a lot of sense." Keefe thought out loud.

"We are still trying to figure out if it's two or three in there." Fitz sighed resting his hand gently on Sophie's stomach.

"How long is labor?" Fitz asked his mom as she walked into the room.

"Depends on the person and the baby, with you I was in labor for six hour, and for Biana it was eight hours." Della told them all.

"I'd say it will take Sophie a good twelve​ hours to have the babies." Physic added to the conversation.

"Also, remember guys Elwin doesn't know there is more than one baby." Fitz whispered to them when there was a knock on the door. He slowly rose and opened the door. He put his finger over his lips signalling Elwin to be quiet and invited him into the house.

They carefully made their way back to the bedroom and Elwin started probing Sophie right away.

"She actually voulenteered to take sedatives?" Elwin asked shocked.

"Why is everyone so shocked by this?" Fitz asked questioning everyone.

"Sophie has always been against anything to sedate her." Elwin argued.

"What am I always against?" Sophie asked as she sat up and yawned.

"Did we wake you up?" Fitz asked.

"No, the sedatives aren't clouding my brain anymore though." Sophie replied.

"That's good now Sophie's e honey I have to look at you ladies parts to see approximately how long your labor will be." Physic told her, everyone looked around curiously at each other.

"That means everyone besides Fitz needs leave, including you Elwin." Physic snapped. Everyone cleared out of the room mumbling and whining.

Physic did her thing and said, "Looks like you are 2 centimeters dilated after about an hour. From here thing can either speed up or slow down. I'll check again in an hour."

"It's clear everyone can come back now!" Fitz yelled through the door. He laced his fingers in Sophie's and laid on the bed next to her.

Sophie gave him a light kiss on the lips and soon was fast asleep again.

6 Hours Later

"Is it almost time?" Sophie asked wincing in pain.

"Just about an hour more," Physic told her in a soothing voice.

1 Hour Later

"Okay, Sophie you're ready, you can choose three people to stay in the room with you." Physic told her.

"Mom, Biana, and Fitz," Sophie said through the pain. Fitz made his way closer to Sophies side and held her hand. As everyone filed out of the room. She gave it a squeeze in return and sucked in a long, deep breath.

"Okay Sophie, on the count of three you are going to push and you aren't going to stop until I say so." Physic instructed. Sophie nodded and prepared herself.

"Three, two, one, push!" Physic said. Sophie started pushing.

"There is head keep going!" Physic encouraged.

"Stop and relax Sophie," Physic whisper as she pulled the first baby out.

"It's a girl!" Biana squealed as the baby got laid on Sophie's chest.

"Amanda May!" Sophie called out. Edaline also conjoured up three hats labeled A, B, and C.

"Okay Sophie let's get the other ones out!" Physic encouraged. Sophie groaned but did it anyways. Soon enough their little boy was out.

"This is Emmett Jay," Fitz called out.

"Last one!" Physic called and handed Sophie a petite​ baby girl.

"Alyssa Faith," Sophie whispered.

"It's beautiful," Fitz whispered kissing her forehead.

They both stared at the babies who were now all cleaned as they laid in Sophie arms. The two girls had dark brown hair like Fitz and brown eyes with teal rims around the pupil and the outside. Emmett had bright blonde hair and bright teal eyes.

Their family was finally complete, everything was perfect. Everything was great and joyful. Until it isn't again.

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