Story Title: Catch Me, If You Can!

Name: Izuku Midoriya
Quirk: [Lightspeed]
Type: [Emitter/Enhancer]

Description: [the user can enhance their speed and strength to be on par with 35% of One For All at the age of 15. The user can separate the enhancements to focus mainly on either strength or speed, but will be brought down to a max equivalent to 28% of One For All. The user can also manipulate and generate a strange pink+purple+white light identified as Neon, able to create flashbangs, cover themselves in the light to act as armor, to even creating bursts of Neon that can be rained down upon their opponents]

Drawback: [the user has an enhanced metabolism, meaning large intakes of food and calories is required. The user can only use a certain percentage at certain ages to prevent major backlash. Overuse of Neon will result in temporary blindness and small burns. Neon will also be drained from overuse, recharge using light generating devices is required]

Summary: Pink, purple, and white streaks of neon lights can be seen lighting up the streets of Mustafu as a group of heroes pursue the owner of the light. These heroes gathered up to catch this illegal quirk user. It'd been three months since a mysterious figure appeared, covered in this bright light, traveling across the streets. This figure is called "The Streak", because of the streak of light he appeared to be due to his unrivaled speed. Occasionally, the Streak would appear to be saving civilians from the villains terrorizing them. Although the figure's actions are honorable and heroic, it is illegal for them to use their quirk with a hero license.

Performing an ambush to catch this vigilante off guard, they successfully captured him, not without broken jaws, concussions, or a severely dried eye on the hero's side. How shocked they were when the vigilante appeared to be just a kid—a strong one, to be exact. Strong enough to rival the Number One Hero's strength and speed, if not stronger than him.

When they were about to question him about his action, they were only given a smirk as the vigilante vibrated out of the cuff and dashed away at a faster speed than before. Leaving nothing but a note behind that says, "If you want some answers, then catch me if you can. - T.S."

Ship:  Undecided

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