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Story Title: Bonded By Blood

Name: Izuku Kan, formerly Izuku Midoriya
Quirk: [Vampiric Hunter]

Type: [Emitter/Enhancer/Transformation/Mental/minor Mutation]

Description: the mutations of the user are elongated canines similar to that of a vampire, along with the pupil's taking on a slit like appearance. The user has several aspects which are as follows

Superhuman Body: [the user has enhanced strength, speed, endurance, etc., on par with 5% of One For All, along with a near instantaneous regeneration factor, as well as majorly enhanced senses]

Eyes of Dracula: [the user can hypnotize anyone who stares directly into their eyes, similar to the Art of Suggestion. The user also has Thermal Vision, Blood Sense (basically like Thermal but with Blood Veins and such), and even Telescopic Vision]

Blessing of the First: [the user has near immunity from the sun, along with being able to shapeshift between Mist, Bat, Wolf, and even Snake and Spider. The user also has Umbrakinesis (Shadow Manipulation) and Telekinesis. The user can also climb surfaces similar to that of a Spider as well as walk along the surfaces as if they were the floor]

The user is also doesn't need large amounts of sleep to survive, same goes for food or water, being able to survive off of one day of food and water and three hours of sleep.

Drawback: [the user has a small bloodthirst due to being a vampire, but only requires a small amount to stay sane and use their aspects. The user will also tire very quickly from constant Shifting between Forms, as well as they will gain sunburns easier]

Summary: Freak. Monster. Villain. Demon. That's all the names Izuku was called after he got his quirk. "Villanous" Quirk. And because of this, he was treated like an outcast, a freak, a monster, a villain, and a demon by those around him. Also, because of this, he became the recipient of every insult, punch, kick, explosion, and trash thrown at him. What hurt him more was his twin sister, and his childhood "friend" was the one who would hit him the hardest, and his own mother would ignore his calls and cry for help.

It took him six months before he ran away from the hell on earth that disguised itself as "home". For two months, he wandered the streets and scavenged for leftovers in the trash. That's until he came across an unconscious man lying near the place he was sleeping. The man was bleeding profusely, and it smelled heavenly to him.

For the first time in his life, he caved into his quirk and let it take control. Crouching at the man with fangs elongated, he bit the man and drank to his heart's content. As he was drinking the sweet taste of blood, a figure appeared from behind him. Sensing the intimidating presence of the man, he froze up and began shaking. He was caught drinking someone's blood, and he was going to be captured because of this.

As he waited for the man to hit him, he began bracing himself for the inevitable strike, but it didn't come. The only thing that came was a hand ruffling his head and a whisper that gave him a feeling of understanding. It made him cry and tackle the man's arms. The feeling of being understood for the first time in his life.

With that one kind gesture, the man created a person who will become the greatest hero, with a quirk that may be villanous but used in a heroic way.

Ships: Izuku x Himiko Toga, Yui Kodai & Shiozaki Ibara

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