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[What if Izuku has a Dragon Quirk? Art above: PopCross Studios(YouTube, subscribe!)]

Story Title: Legacy of the Verdant Drake. Alt. Title: Scales of Valor

Summary: In a wonderful world filled with heroes and villains, it was no surprise that Izuku Midoriya wanted to become a hero. Like who wouldn't? To be able to save someone was something that Izuku felt good doing. His dream of becoming a hero started when he saw the bravery and courage of the Number One Hero, All Might when he saved so many civilians in his debut video.

But that didn't really start his road of becoming a hero.

It all started when a newly instated hero saved him and his mom from a villain attack on their way home from his pre-school. Every hero came in different sizes. His hero came in the form of a winged-dragon. He was at awe to see the majestic hero swat villains with ease and grace. His heart was delighted when the hero had defeated the villain and gave him a reassuring smile before leaving the scene with the villain in hand.

From that day on, Izuku had wished to unlock a quirk similar to the hero that saved him and his mom, The Dragoon Hero: Ryukyu, so that he could be just like her. His wishes were answered when his quirk awakened. A draconic quirk, just like his hero. Though his was in the form of a dark-green scaled Drake, a wingless dragon, but a dragon nonetheless. With this quirk, Izuku promises to do his best in mastering it and using it for good and to protect. To be like All Might and Ryukyu. Maybe work alongside them in the future.

Little did he know, their worlds will collide by the time he enrolls in the prestigious U.A. High School.


Name: Izuku Midoriya

Quirk: Drake

Type: Transformation

Description: The user has the ability to transform into a Drake at will. Said transformation appears to have dark green scales all over their body, distinctive black, red, and white plates on the creature's limbs, while still having a patch of dark-green hair on the dragon's head and the end of its tail. In this form, the user gains enhanced physical prowess, including increased strength, speed, durability, and heightened senses, the ability to breath bright green fire(in and out of their dragon form), sharp claws, and a strong jaw.

Drawbacks: Each transformation uses a large portion of the user's stamina, making a consumption of high calories necessary to maintain the dragon form for a long period of time. In their dragon form, the user gains a slight weakness to ice related quirk due to the quirk being reptilian in nature, but is manageable due to their fire breathing abilities.

Ships: Izuku x Harem: Main: Ryukyu, Tsuyu Asui, and Setsuna Tokage

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