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Story Title: Chosen by the Gods [Black Adam x MHA]

Name: Izuku Midoriya
Quirk: N/A

File: [The Champion]

Codename: originally [Black Adam]; currently [Agilyx]

Description: A magic inheritance, the chosen of this power is granted several amazing and godlike powers and capabilities. They are as follows:

Blessings of the Ancient Heroes: [The user has several blessings of the Greek Gods, which are as follows: Stamina of Shu (near infinite stamina and regeneration); Swiftness of Heru (superspeed, enhanced reflexes, and seemingly teleportation); Strength of Amon (godlike body enhancement); Wisdom of Zehuti (enhanced intelligence and thinking speed); Power of Aton (lightning control); Courage of Mehen (indomitable will and magic affinity). With these, they create the name that the previous champion used for their power, Shazam]

Power of Aton: [the chosen has the power of the God of the Sky, Aton. The chosen can manipulate and generate raw lightning into simple attacks to even construct weaponry as well as walls or even a net]

The God's Body: [the chosen gains a body that can hold this power, enhancing their entire body to near-demigod levels. The body is now equivalent to 100% of One For All for the Ninth. The chosen is also near invulnerable with regeneration, able to combat near anything]

Two Sides of the Same Coin: [the chosen has a soul of Light haunted by Darkness, and this in turn has affected the power of Black Adam. The chosen has the power of Light and Dark on their side, able to enter two forms: Mind of Light and Rage of Dark. Mind of Light is able to have the chosen enter a state of calmness and never be affected by Mind based attacks or trauma. Rage of Dark is a form of berserkers rage with the Power of Aton, sending it into overdrive]

Eternium: [a mineral native to Khanduq, it can only be found within this country and is essentially a stone of pure magic. This stone was also used to forge the Crown of Sabbac, and in modern-day Khanduq, it is used to power any technology they have available, along with protection.]

Summary: They say no man is born equal.

This is true, especially for me.

I grew up powerless in a society made from that very power. Without a quirk, I was a freak, worse than dirt, treated like I was just a slave. Hated for living. Scorned for breathing. Beaten for dreaming.

I was a nobody. A quirkless loser. The people who cared for me can only be counted on my two hands, maybe just in one hand. But they were not enough to save me from all the pain.

One day, it all changed. I was visited by the Man in Black. He offered me a chance. A chance to right the wrongs done to me. A chance to become what I always dreamed of becoming. A hero.

"All you need to say is the word."

Ships: Izuku x Momo Yaoyorozu, Kyoka Jiro, and Mina Ashido, Harem Simps

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