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Story Title: Izuku Midoriya: The Vessel of the God of War

Name: Izuku Midoriya
Quirk: Arsenal Forged

Type: Emitter

Description: This quirk allows the user to materialize weapons from their own energy. These weapons can range from swords, shields, spears, or any other traditional weaponry. The strength and durability of these weapons are directly tied to the user's emotional state—stronger emotions result in more robust and powerful weapons. The quirk taps into their inner turmoil or determination, manifesting various armaments accordingly.

Drawbacks: Creation and manipulation of weapons uses the energy/stamina of the user, prolonged use of quirk will cause exhaustion. A large intake of calories is needed to fuel the stamina used. This quirk is also tied to the user's emotional state. Meaning the more angry or emotional the user is, the more said quirk is at risk of losing control.

Summary: In a world where quirks reigned supreme and heroism was synonymous with extraordinary abilities, Izuku Midoriya stood at the crossroads of his dreams and harsh reality. All Might's words, once a beacon of hope, now echoed in his mind, shattering the fragile remnants of his confidence.

"I'm sorry, young man. Without a quirk, it's impossible."

The weight of those words crushed his spirit. Alone and drowning in a sea of self-doubt, Izuku retreated into his inner turmoil. Tears cascaded down his cheeks, the anguish in his heart suffocating him until darkness enveloped his senses.

In the depths of unconsciousness, a presence stirred—a fragment of Ares' soul, ancient and powerful, found its way to Izuku. The God of War, a being steeped in tales of strife and conflict, unfolded his storied past before Izuku's slumbering consciousness.

Through Ares' memories, Izuku witnessed the isolation and struggle the god endured within his own divine kin. It struck a chord within Izuku's soul—a resonance with the outcast, the misunderstood, and the underestimated.

Moved by Izuku's resilience and echoing struggles, Ares bequeathed the last vestige of his waning power upon the boy—a gift dense with the essence of war and strength. The divine energy pulsed within Izuku, awakening dormant forces within him.

As the divine power surged through his being, Izuku's eyes flickered open, determination etched upon his tear-streaked face. His gaze held newfound resolve, fueled by Ares' legacy and his own unyielding will.

"I'll become a hero," Izuku vowed, the weight of Ares' legacy and his own aspirations now intertwined. With a quirk awakened by the God of War, Izuku Midoriya embarked on a journey to forge himself into the vessel Ares had entrusted him to be—a beacon of compassion, wielding the might of Ares, sworn to protect with strength and valor.

And so, a new legend began—forged in resolve, bound by the fusion of mortal determination and divine legacy.

Ships: Undecided

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