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[Accused Izuku Midoriya, pre-Overhaul Arc]

Story Title: Dancing with my Inner Demons. Alt. title: Let your Inner Demons out!

Summary: They accused him of being the U.A. Traitor.

He blamed himself. He never should have written in those stupid notebooks. Why did he ever think it wouldn't look suspicious?

The only ones who believed in his innocence were All Might, his mom, Midnight, Hound Dog, the girls in his class, Hatsume, Iida, Todoroki, Tokoyami, and oddly enough, Aoyama.

He doesn't deserve their faith. What if they all get placed under suspicion too?! He doesn't deserve One For All. Why does All Might still trust him with it after everything?

After a brutal interrogation, he finds himself in isolation, waiting for the interrogators to return, when he hears a whispering voice similar to his in his head. Had he gone insane?

Before he knew it, the world around him had gone dark and he was speaking to a shadowy version of himself. It revealed itself to be his quirk, having merged with One For All. It offered to free him. Before he knew it, he had fallen unconscious.

When he woke up, he was no longer in the interrogation room. He was in a demolished Ground Beta, surrounded by the teachers, who seemed injured. He was being held by Midnight, with All Might rushing onto the scene. That was the last he saw before he blacked out.

After waking up and having his innocence proven, he and his loyal friends are moved to 1-B, who were unaware of the incident.

With a terrifying new power, new friends, and new relationships, Izuku works to truly become a worthy successor to All Might, and try and control his quirk.


Name: Izuku Midoriya

Quirk(beside One For All): Inner Demons

Type: Mutant/Sentient

Description: A quirk awakened through the intense feeling of sorrow and hatred. When activated, said quirk will possess the user, appearing as a darker version of the user with red eyes, sharp claws and fangs, causing them to act out on their sorrow and hatred, in turn allowing it to target those who are responsible for the user's pain.


- Superhuman Physiology: the user gains enhanced strength, speed, durability, and endurance.

- Power Drain: the user can drain a target's energy through physical contact, empowering them. Note: this ability must be used responsibly due to its energy draining component being dangerous when overused.

- Telekinesis: due to the unexpected quirk awakening, the user is able to gain access to a stronger version of their mother's quirk. This allows the user to move objects with his mind. Strangely, the user is able to use this ability even without activating Inner Demons.

- Our Quirks: with Inner Demons activated, it can gain access with the other quirks within One For All.

Drawbacks: The more the user is feeling negative emotions, the stronger the quirk is. However, the stronger the quirk is, the harder for it to control. This could lead to exhaustion, since it uses the user's stamina as fuel. When overused, the user is prone to passing out, leaving them vulnerable. A large intake of calories is suggested to fuel the stamina used.

Ships: Izuku x Harem

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