Slow Dancing

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Homecoming was in about a week, and you were completely against it. Sadly though, you were one of the few who were selected to be on the committee, so not only did you have to spend the whole week setting everything up, but you also had to be there to make sure everything goes smoothly.

Shawn, your sworn enemy since the third grade, was also on the committee, so you had to deal with him making snarky comments to you every day this week, where if you didn't have to do this, you would only have to put up with him in second period English.

The committee meets every day after school, and on the last day, you had to stay until the dance starts.

You thought that was a little unfair, being that some of the girls here actually wanted to go to homecoming, but they ended up just bringing their dresses and makeup bags to school with them.

After you had been painting the banner for a while, the counselor finally told everyone they could go and get ready, because people would be here soon.

The room empties, except you, since you were the only one who didn't need to get ready.

"Need help hanging the banner?" A voice teases behind you as you struggle to pin it to the wall.

You scoff when you realize who it is.

"Not from you, Shawn."

Just as you think he was about to leave you alone, a large amount of paint splatters all over your back, causing you to drop the banner.

"Oh my god," You turn around, to see that he was laughing. "I'm gonna get you for that, Mendes."

"Oh, I'm scared now!" He jokes.

You jump off the chair and dart towards him, still holding a paintbrush that you now chase him with in circles around the room.

"No!" He cries, still laughing.

Finally you get close enough to tackle him, and he screams as he goes to the ground and you wipe the paintbrush over his cheeks and nose, leaving green stripes all over his face.

"Y/N," He says as he sits up.

You cover your mouth as you giggle. "I like the new look, Mendes."

"Thanks to you," He stands to his feet, "I have to get all cleaned up before the dance starts."

"You're actually going?" You scoff.

He looks at you.

"You aren't?" He asks.

You shrug. "I don't have a date. Plus it's not really my thing."

"Well I don't have a date either, but that doesn't mean I can't have a good time."

"I just really don't want to."

"Seriously, Y/N, you should go," He says in his same sly tone, which wasn't going to change your mind, since it sounded like he was planning something.


"Well then," He says, "At least put on something nicer than jeans and a t-shirt. You're working the food and drinks table tonight."

You groan, pushing past him and to your locker where you had a blouse and a mid-thigh length skirt.

When you return, a few people were already there, and the DJ was already playing some music.

You search for someone you know, and spot Shawn over by the gym window, dressed in slacks and a black tux, hanging the banner seemingly with ease. You walk over to him.

"I see you got the paint off your face," You tease.


The dance has been going on for a while and you've basically clung to Shawn the whole night. He's anything but your friend, but he's the only classmate who's name you know in this place. Plus, he didn't have anyone either.

About halfway in, you spot your best friend and her date out in the mosh pit, dancing together and laughing.

"I'll be right back," You say to Shawn, shuffling through the crowd to get to her.

"Hey," She greets you. "You two have met, right?" She points to you and her date, Marcus.

"Of course," He says, shaking your hand. "Y/N, right?"


"I'm Marcus."

Then he disappears to talk to some of his friends behind him.

"Well, he seems nice," You say to your best friend.

"Yeah, I guess we'll both be slow dancing tonight," She responds.

You furrow your eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about your date, Y/N! So you and Shawn are finally getting along, huh?"

"What? No! Shawn isn't my date!"

"You came together, right? You've been with him the whole night," She reasons.

"He's Shawn. We never have and never will get along."

Just then, the beat coming from the speakers stops, and turns into something much slower and more emotional.

Everyone gasps.

"The slow song!" Your best friend squeals.

Marcus turns around and smiles at her. "Can I have this dance?" He asks politely.

You try not to throw up as every couple in the place begins to dance together.

You walk back over to Shawn, hoping to seek comfort in he who does not and will not dance.

"Hey, Y/N," He says in his unchanging tone.

"Everyone's slow dancing and I need a bucket," You say.

"Well well well, someone hates dancing."

"I don't hate it, I just don't know how," You reason.

"You don't know how to slow dance??" He gapes.

You shrug.

"Let me show you," He grabs your hand, pulling you out onto the dance floor before you had time to say anything.

He slips one arm around your waist so his palm rests on the small of your back, pulling you into him so your chest hits his. He laces the fingers of his free hand in yours, and then shows you where to put your other hand, which was on his shoulder.

"Okay," He looks up at you, "Now, watch my feet."

He steps forward, then rock-steps backward, then forward again and spins you. You have to do the same, only you go backwards first so you don't bump into him.

"I think I'm getting the hang of this," You say after a while.


"Yeah, I didn't know it was," You spin around, "this easy."

As soon as you go back to your starting position, his eyes meet yours, and neither one of you takes the next steps in the dance.

It was then that you noticed that you didn't put your hand back where it was supposed to be, entwined with his and out to the side, instead, you had put both of your elbows on his shoulders and locked your fingers behind his neck.

"Y/N," He says lowly, and suddenly you feel your head being drawn to his like a magnet, and then Shawn Mendes' lips were on yours.



This one was long, sorry.

I'm at the airport and I was bored so, this is the third update in three days before I leave for Peru (and won't be updating for at least two weeks) so if you love me then you should read some of my Shawn fics or my Hayes fic.

so go check those out!

Alright, that's it from me. Love you guys (:

- Avey

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