Your Daughter Comes Out

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I joined the watty's on all three of my Shawn fics, so if you want to vote for either of those just tweet the link along with the hashtag #MyWattysChoice !


Thanks ladies :)

Also btw the child in this imagine is Amira Renee again only because I knew a girl with this name who wasn't even that close to me but had an amazing impact in my life so I'm most likely always going to use her name as a little girl's name and probably name my child after her k bye


"This is so exciting," Shawn says from the passenger seat as you drive your fourteen year old daughter, Amira, to her orthodontist appointment. She was getting braces today, and she seemed really anxious about it.

"Aren't you going out with some of your friends tonight?" You ask, turning to face her for a moment before adverting your gaze back to the road.

"Just one," She says quietly. "A new friend."

"Oh, well, good! She'll get to see you with your braces," Shawn says excitedly.

"Oh dear god, I think that's so exciting I forgot to be excited," She rolls her eyes.

"You know," You say quickly, "When your dad and I met, he had braces. And of course I thought they looked absolutely adorable."

"Really?" Your daughter raises her eyebrows. "So most people think braces are... attractive?"

"Only on me," Shawn teases.

You grin in the rear view mirror as you pull into the parking lot of your local orthodontist, putting the car in park and unbuckling. "There's nothing to worry about," You say to your daughter. "You'll look beautiful as usual."

She was about to say something, but Shawn claps his hands together as he lets go of yours, most likely never breaking the habit of holding it while you drive with the other. "Alright people," He says, "Let's get inside."

You follow Shawn and Amira up the concrete steps and through the automatic doors, telling the two of them to sit down while you go check her in. The building smelt of toothpaste and clorox, and had pretty wooden floors and colorful walls.

"Hi, do you have an appointment today?" The lady at the front desk asks, looking up from a stack of papers. Her ginger red hair was pulled into a tight French braid.

"Um, no, but I'm here to check in my daughter. Amira Mendes."

"Oh, good! Dr. Emerson is actually ready for you now, he just got finished with his last patient, so, if she wants to come on back?"

You quickly turn around to where Amira nervously sits.

"You ready?" You ask her.

She wipes her palms on her jeans and stands, nodding and heading over to where a lady in pink scrubs waits at the hallway entrance.

Amira finishes up her text on her phone before sliding it into her back pocket, nodding towards the woman waiting for her.

"I'm sorry, but we actually don't allow phones in the room where we put the brackets on, only because it could be really distracting if it goes off or something. But perhaps your mom or dad could hold it for you?"

She spins around to face you and Shawn, her face turning white.

"I could just, um... turn it on silent?" She suggests.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now