He Sleeps In Your Bed

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You tried so hard to sleep, but all you could think about was how crappy your day has been. Everything was driving you crazy, and you didn't know how much longer you could handle everything.

You reached for your phone on your side table, unplugging it and turning it on, the brightness of the screen momentarily blinding you.

You open up Shawn's contact, clicking on the message button. Shawn was your best friend/next door neighbor, and he always knows how to cheer you up with funny, adorable texts.

You type quickly, "Shawn, need you pls ):"

You wait for a response, but all you got was that he had read your message. You sigh, placing your cell phone back in its spot on the nightstand. Even Shawn was ignoring you now.

It hadn't been long, but your eyes were already starting to sting. You grip tight onto your pillow and bite your lip, hard.

You were just about to burst into tears when something hitting your window made you flinch so much you almost fell off the bed.

You jolt forward. "What the hell?"

Running across your bedroom, you open up your window and remove the screen, revealing a sleep-deprived, tired Shawn in his jammies.

"Hey!" he exclaims as soon as he ungracefully gets through the window and into your bedroom. He sinks his teeth into his bottom lip upon seeing how much he scared you. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"What are you doing?" you quickly ask, rubbing your eyes.

"You said you needed me!" he blushes.

"Yes!" you roll your eyes, whisper-yelling, "to answer my text!"

He laughs, suddenly putting the pieces together. "Oh. Whoops."

You snicker, shutting the window and locking it before walking back over to your bed and plopping down on it. Shawn sits down next to you.

"What's wrong, angel?" he asks sweetly, seeing your tears stained cheeks.

You sigh. "My day has just been awful. I can't sleep."

He slips his arm over your shoulder, looking out the window at your quiet, sleeping neighborhood.

"Would it help if I stay here until you fall asleep?" he asks.

You look up at him, smiling. "That actually would help."

He stands up, walking to the other side of the bed.

"Then that's what I'll do," he acknowledges.

You pull the covers over your feet and slowly lay down, feeling his hand softly stroke your hair in the silence.

"I'll stay on my side," he whispers, "In case you get ahead of yourself."

You smack him with the nearest pillow. You knew keeping 6 pillows on your bed would eventually come in handy.

He laughs, but continues to stroke your hair and rub your back. "Seriously, though. I'm open to cuddle if you want to cuddle. No pressure."

"Not tonight, Mendes," you laugh, shutting your eyes. "Just keep doing what it is you're doing. The hair and back thing. It feels nice."

"Yeah?" he whispers.

"Mhmm," you nod. "If only everyone cared for me as much as you do."

It was a while before either of you spoke again. You just rested in the comfort of his presence, and basked in the quietness of the night.

You barely hear Shawn whisper, "Y/N. Don't ever listen to anything that anyone says about you. I love you so, so much, baby girl. I hate seeing you get hurt."

You would've said you loved him too, but you weren't sure which way he meant it. You were too far gone, anyway.


heyeyeyey this was kinda cute bro

also no one got it but there was a hidden kid in love reference in here lol "I'm open to cuddle if you want to cuddle. no pressure."

go check out my shawn fics if you like these! (I'm a shameless self promoter omfg).

ilyasfm (:


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