Right Through Those Doors

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I SAW SHAWN TWO DAYS AGO AND WOWOWOWOW. I ATTACHED SOME PICS AT THE END OF THE IMAGINE & also the one above is my fav that i took cause he was looking right at my camera 😭

when he walked into the q&a room i didn't even scream or anything, just completely froze up. my jaw dropped, my hands were shaking, literally could barely raise it haha. he never answered my question which is prob a good thing cause if he called on me i doubt i would be able to get words out.

i swear he is a wax figure

but next time i'm paying for gold so i can actually get a pic with him. also i'm hoping to meet him in orlando next week! wish me luck lol. gotta get my stalker game on.

anyways so being able to experience the illuminate world tour and all the access stuff has inspired me to write an imagine that i hope you can enjoy. i honestly see shawn differently now.. haha. can't explain it.

QUICK CODE: Y/F/N = Your full name.
Y/C = Your city


The line stretched down the street and around the corner, and you stood there alone, eavesdropping on the interesting conversation the two girls in front of you engaged in while you leaned up against the fence fanning yourself with your printed ticket.

It was close to a hundred degrees outside, and the wind was so faint and pitiful that there was really no point in relying on it to keep you cool. You had been waiting outside since one o'clock, even though check-in didn't start until close to four p.m.

You watched as the minutes ticked by, the line getting shorter and shorter, sun seemingly beating down with more and more force. The buzz outside the arena continued to grow, voices echoing laughs, conversations, excited squeals, while you stood alone, apprehensive.

Soon you would check in, walk through those doors, and be face to face with the one and only Shawn Mendes. You couldn't think about any of that for too long without feeling your stomach churn, knowing that he was right in there, waiting for you.

After all these other girls of course.

When you were finally waved over by one of the shawnaccess people behind the check-in table, you take a deep breath and force your feet to move-- left, right, left, right.

"Name?" the dark headed girl behind the blue laptop asks you, not even glancing up at you as she holds out her left hand for you to place your photo I.D.

"Uh, its Y/F/N," you nervously mutter, hoping you were clear enough to be heard. She looks from your I.D. to your face, then back to the I.D. before clicking around her keyboard.

"One golden pass ticket?" she bites her lip as she meets your eyes.

You nod, "yep."

"Alright," she chirps, "right through those doors."

She said it so calmly, as if those words didn't flip your intestines inside out.

After handing you your shiny new VIP lanyard with Shawn's name and face on it, she offers your I.D. back to you and you tuck it safely in the zipper pocket of your purse.

Your breathing was heavy as you enter the building, where you were immediately greeted by sweet, sweet air conditioning, and a handful of security guards ready to check you.

After getting through security, you clutch your shoulder bag to your side and enter the long, tiled corridor with poor lighting, following the directions of the security guards who lead you through another pair of tall, heavy doors, down a steep stairwell, and into a room practically vibrating with noise.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now