Star Gazing

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Please ignore Akaza in the background and have a moment of silence for how I drew Douma shirtless 😫
I don't think I've ever written a kiss scene so it might suck

"You're staring."

Douma blinked a couple of times before snapping out of it. He cleared his throat and spoke "Apologies, I was just wondering if I could join you."

Kokushibo looked up at the blond, not understanding why he would want to lay on the grass beside him just to look at the stars. "Go ahead." He replied.

When he was given the answer he laid on the lively grass.

"I never knew that you liked to star gaze.." Douma said softly.

"What else can us demons do besides training, and murdering the weak?"

Douma sighed and shrugged. It was cold outside so you could see the small cloud of his breath as he talked, "I don't get what you see in stars. They're so far away, and they don't do much." He joked. Hoping that he wasn't being offensive.

"There's something..intriguing about the cosmos. To me, the stars feel like distant memories, like remnants of the past, they remind me of eternity." Kokushibo spoke slowly. His gaze never leaving the bright stars in the sky.

"Eternity huh? You sound like a poet from some cheesy human romance novel."

"Perhaps I am a bit poetic. Tonight at least." He answered.

Kokushibo's eyes shifted to Douma, studying him with a thoughtful gaze before speaking up once more.

"So you really don't find anything fascinating about the stars? No memories whatsoever?" Kokushibo asked curiously.

Douma simply shook his head, "To me, they are simply just stars. They don't make me feel anything."

Kokushibo's lips started to shift into a small smile, he appreciated how honest the other could be. "That's perfectly fine."

"You really are an odd one, lord Kokushibo. Star gazing, and such poetic should write a haiku about it."

"Maybe I will."

They sat in a calming silence, the calming sound of cold wind blowing the leaves. It truly was a beautiful night.

"I might not be into star gazing that much, but I have to admit, there's something calming about this view." Douma smiled.

Kokushibo nodded in agreement, "Yeah, it's peaceful, the world even seems to feel smaller under the night sky.."

"You know, it's quite funny how we're both demons, supposed to be these powerful and terrifying beings, and yet here we are, having a casual talk under the stars.."

Kokushibo looked at Douma, his six eyes locking into Douma's multicolored eyes. Chuckling softly, and then looking back at the beautiful moon.

"I think it's important for us to all have a break, and act like civilized beings for once. Sure, murdering humans is what we're made to do, but we all deserve just a little bit of time to have a breather every once in a while."

Douma let a genuine smile make its way on his face.

"Perhaps the stars have a way of bringing unexpected connections." Kokushibo said to himself, smiling softly thinking about the blond who was laying down on the ground next to him.

"Are you implying that the stars are playing matchmaker right now?"

Kokushibo's smile grew, enjoying the lighthearted moment they had spent together.

The moonlight bathed them in a soft glow, and Douma could feel his heart racing. It was an unusual feeling, this was the first time this has ever happened to him before. He bit his nail deep in thought, wondering what the unusual reaction in his chest was. He took a quick glance at Kokushibo's lips, feeling his heart race once more.

"I've never really cared about star gazing, and just taking in the scenery. But for some reason I feel as if my attitude has changed now that I'm with you." Douma confessed, smiling to himself.

The unexpected confession caught Kokushibo off guard, he blushed slightly.

"I..I'm glad you feel that way.." Kokushibo stuttered, placing a tuft of hair between his two fingers, trying to calm himself down. He wasn't used to anything like this.

While Kokushibo was distracted Douma got on top of his, leaning into his face.

This made Kokushibo jump slightly, he grasped the end of his sword not knowing what the blond's intentions were.

"No need to panic big guy..~"

With a gentle and sincere smile, douma reaches up and his fingers lightly grazing Kokushibo's cheek. His touch was feather-light, a tentative caress that lingers for a second, Kokushibo's breath hitched, and the warmth of Douma's fingers left his pale skin.

"What are you—"

Douma interrupted him by placing his lips on his. It's a gentle kiss, a simple meeting of their lips that carries with it a world of unspoken emotions. Their breaths mingle, and everything seemed to slow down at the moment.

As the kiss deepens, it remains tender, a silent promise of unexplored possibilities. Douma's fingers finding their way to the back of his neck, their touch warm and comforting. Kokushibo's own hands finding their place on Douma's waist.

Nothing else seemed to matter, their demon king, the risk of getting caught by whoever was outside in the forest with them, their missions, all they cared about was the passionate kiss they had caught themselves in.

When the kiss finally ended the tried to catch their breaths.

Douma's lips curved into a content smile, for some reason the overwhelming feeling in his chest was gone, he still didn't understand why though..

"You were right, maybe the stars do guide us to unexpected connections.." douma whispered.

"And perhaps they had led us to this moment.."
943 words
I'm probably going to try out different writing styles to see which one I like the best ☕️
Anyways I'm sorry for this short chapter, I just wanted to write something quick and decided to practice a kissing scene 😝

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