Working It Out Together

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Purr bussy slay queenie (I want to quit drawing even though I've done it my entire life, and all because my art teacher doesn't see my potential and called my drawings sloppy, and they were the step by step drawings HE did with the class)
Human au
Angst to fluff? Idk it's just really toxic

Akaza lit the cigarette, knowing full well how it had made his lover, Douma, feel. He put the cigarette in his mouth, and gently breathed in the smoke, and removed it to exhale. Looking at the beautiful view of the city that they lived in.

The smoke blew into the night air, as Akaza took another drag, lost in the beauty of the cityscape.

"Akaza.." Douma said, in a hushed tone, standing behind his lover, he didn't like that Akaza would much rather ruin his perfect set of lungs for a few minutes of calmness, from the nicotine the nasty thing emitted.

Akaza turned, seeing Douma's disapproving gaze. He held the cigarette securely in both fingers. "What now? I thought you would've been asleep already." he questioned.

"I was just about to go to sleep, but I saw you out here. Do you really need to smoke now?" Douma asked solemnly.

"I'll smoke whenever I please, Douma. If you don't like it, tough luck. You're not the boss of me."

Douma bit down on his lip gently, torn by the realization that Akaza's behavior was uncharacteristic of his usually kind demeanor, even if he did tend to become more aggressive when he smoked.

But deep down... Akaza truly was the kindest person he had ever met in his life.

"Just-... just come to bed when you're done, please." Douma whispered sadly, turning around to leave.

"Don't go crying now." Akaza retorted, his words laced with a touch of sarcasm. "I'm not going to cry." Douma replied with a hint of frustration, hiding his hurt feelings as he walked away.


Douma waved the smoke away from his face, a disapproving frown on his lips as he watched his boyfriend continue to smoke a cigarette before breakfast. The tension between them seemed to grow with every puff.

"I don't understand why you need to smoke before breakfast."

Suddenly, Akaza stood up, "I'm just about tired of you always getting mad at me for smoking! I'm an adult, and this is my body! I can do whatever the hell I want, and I'm not going to let you, or anyone else take that away from me! So if you can't handle that, then I'm sorry but you should just go someplace else!" His words were brutal.

"You smoke about three a day! I don't want you to get lung canc-"

"Three times a day is nothing compared to what other people smoke, and at my rate, I'll get lung cancer by the time im in my seventies!"  Akaza countered.

"Don't interrupt me!," Douma shouted, his impatience clear.

Akaza could feel his irritation growing, "Well, stop crying about it and let me live my life!"

"Akaza, please. I don't want anything bad to happen to you, and I would hate for you to get something like lung cancer. Right now, you can quit! Just please, let me help you. I want to be there for you. I'll keep you entertained, I'll do whatever I need to get you to keep your mind off of smoking!" Douma's heartfelt plea was filled with love and worry for Akaza.

"You're being dramatic." Akaza said dryly.

But Douma persisted, shaking his head in disagreement, "I worry about you Akaza, I want you to keep your voice, I want you to be healthy until the day you die, I want you to not be an example for people who are thinking of smoking, and I want you to continue being my lover." Douma said.

Akaza bit his lip, guilt washing over him. He had never thought of how much he had become a nuisance to Douma, he always shrugged it off. It was no excuse now, and the way he had made Douma lash out like this tripled his guilt. "Alright, I'll try to quit.." he muttered under his breath, a promise to change his ways and mend their strained relationship.


715 words

I'm working on something and I think you guys will like it 😊 (spoiler alert: it's not smut)

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