Chapter Six

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He was carrying her in his arms. Seeing her puzzled expression; a scowl pulled his lips down. "Remind me never to use the expression, 'break a leg' with you. What idiot duels with a hurt arm?"

She placed her left hand on the side of her head, "I must have died in the classroom if you're carrying me to the Hospital Wing. You'd sooner leave me on the floor to rot."

He raised an eyebrow, "Are you insinuating being in my arms is heaven?"

"Absolutely not." Her cheeks reddened, causing a smirk to spread across his lips.

Sebastian's voice lowered darkly, "If we don't find a cure soon, my twin sister is going to be quite familiar with the concept of Heaven. Get treated, Ominis is going to help me with the trolls, and then tonight we can flip through the St. Mungo's Case Studies. Anne is only going to get worse if we can't figure out her curse."

The drowning sensation came rushing back.

Her pain didn't matter.

Her usefulness did.

Skele-Gro Some Compassion

Her Ulna was in fact broken, but after Nurse Blainey mended the break, it felt much better. She was still instructed to wear a sling for the remainder of the day and tomorrow, just to stop her from overusing her right arm while it healed completely.

The Rosier family was notified directly from Headmaster Black about her injury. By the time she was headed into the Potions classroom, she'd already received two letters telling her to take a break and come back to the Rosier Estate.

It was quite literally the first day of class.

She refused. Vehemently.

Ominis lifted his head from the book, his hand stilling above the page as he glanced in her direction towards the doorway. Sebastian, sensing his friend's attention elsewhere, looked up. His gaze narrowed in on the sling, she wore.

"Was it actually broken?" His voice was steady, but there was a tinge of disbelief.

Ominis frowned at this, "This doesn't make any sense."

The Scottish wizard waved his hand, using wand-less magic to scoot the stool across from him back. Séraphine blatantly ignored it, choosing to sit across from Ominis as a wave of defiance washed over her. At times, it felt as if it didn't occur to him that Anne was important to her. Séraphine was trying so hard to work towards some resemblance of progress, that she was affecting her own health and sanity to do so. Yet he still made her feel like she was doing nothing and that it was all her fault.

If only he knew the truth. The whole truth.

"I don't know what sort of magic she used," Séraphine admitted reluctantly, "But it was wand-less and powerful enough to break through Sebastian's protective charms. Not that it's hard to begin with."

His hand clenched around the quill he was holding to take notes, hard enough for a snapping noise to pierce through the air, "Careful, Rosier."

"Or what?" She raised an eyebrow, "Are you going to break my other arm?"

"Enough." Ominis interrupted, "I'm waving the white flag for both of you. Also, was that your quill I heard just now? I suppose it's a good thing you're going to Hogsmeade tomorrow."

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