Dm With Assmerica

You free?
I think everyone hopped off

I'm free

Wanna play game?

Truth or Truth?


T or T

✨T ✨

What's your job?

Use to be in military but then i had to leave
I now work as an archeologist


Truth or T?


Do you work for Shield?

Steve's Pov:

Steve froze at the question Aussie asked. Barely anyone in New York knew about Shield. There was no one who would know about it in England.

Steve turned off his phone and walked into Fury's office. He needed to figure out Aussie's connection to Shield and how she knew about it. He also needed to see if Aussie was a threat.

Steve walked into Fury's office, which, luckily, Fury was in. Fury looked up from his files to see Steve standing there.

"What can I do for you Captain?" Fury asked Steve.

"Is there any books on wanted England people?" Steve asked directly. Fury didn't question it, Fury grabbed a book of a shelf and handed it to Steve.

"That's our only one. There aren't many people wanted from England though, so it might be no use." Fury said. Steve nodded before walking out and into his room.

Steve flipped through the pages of the book until he found a certain page. This had to be Aussie. Steve thought as he looked at all of the information.

Name: Unknown

Alias: Xavior

Age: Unknown

Nationality: English, British, Australian,

Gender: Female

Place of Birth: Brighton, England

School Graduated From: University of Sussex

Current Place of Residence: Unknown

Hair Color: Unknown

Eye Color: Unknown

Job Now: Unknown

Job Past: Worked in military as a spy, sniper, backup doctor and scout

Notes: Very good aim, no hesitation to kill, never misses, always gets information needed, never fails, expert at having a hidden identity, excellent mapper and map drawing skills, very athletic, knows how to use any weapon, very good medic

Current Status: Active (Currently MIA)

Father: Unknown

Mother: Unknown

Siblings: Unknown

Friends: Allyssa Mary Heptic, William Patrick Spencer Gold

Threat Level: 10/10


Last Attempt To Be Recruited: Seven Years Ago

Reason Why Not Recruited: Refused; unknown why refusal

Steve read in horror. He quickly copied the page and then returned the book. What was he supposed to do? He then realized that he was ignoring Aussie.

I'm sorry
You don't have to answer

It's okay
I was helping a friend
I do have to go back to helping them tho

Byeeee bitch

Steve laughed at Aussie's last text, but went to go find Tony. Tony was in his lab alone which was good. Once Steve made it inside, he locked the door and closed all of the curtains.

"Tony, Tony, Tony! Pause whatever you're doing!" Steve said urgently.

"Okay, what's wrong Grandpa?" Tony said as he put down his tools.

"I may have firgured out information on Aussie." Steve said slowly and calmly.

"Really?! This is great!" Tony exclaimed happily and excitedly. He sat down on his desk.

"It's not good information." Steve stated sadly. Steve reached into his pocket.

"That's less great..." Tony said disappointedly. Tony watched Steve as he pulled out a photo copied file.

As Tony read what was written on it, horror crossed his face. But surely this couldn't be Aussie, right?

"Well... Maybe it isn't her." Tony said without any confidence.

"But look, it all fits in. Aussie is another word for Australian and Xavior person is Australian. Aussie is female, lives in Brighton, England, and is from there which is another nationality. Aussie also worked in the military, remember? But not only that, the friends are the same. William and Allyssa." Steve explained. Tony's hope went down and he frowned.

"Okay, so, there's a large chance this is her, but she seems good. Let's just keep this in mind, but push it to the side. Nothing bad is happening." It was decided that they would keep it in mind, but push it to the side. They also agree that they wouldn't say a word to Fury about it.

Allyssa's Pov:

Allyssa was in Wilbur's apartment. Wilbur, Allyssa, and Cae arrived there not too long ago. Wilbur and Cae were outside playing basketball while Allyssa hacked into Tony Stark's security in the Stark Tower.

"Well... Looks like SHIELD has a file about Cae." Allyssa said as she watched the footage. There was no need to tell Cae because she already had enough stress on her hands.

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