"Damn girl, you good?" Clint asked as helped Cae up while dodging the other alien.

"I'm fine, let's hurry this up a bit though before something worse happens." Cae said as she and Clint split up.

"What could be even worse?!" Tony yelled out as he shot the alien. The alien was somewhat resilient.

"That female and male get away together, mate, and make thousands of those things!" Cae reminded the group.

"Do you know any weak spots?!" Nat asked as she dodged out of the way.

"The heart. If you aim for the lungs, make sure you hit both." Cae yelled out.

"Yes! Tips would be great!" Steve yelled out too.

"Alright. If you're going for a kidney, cut both because you can also live without one of those. Don't aim for the spleen, you can live without it. You can also live without your appendix, so don't aim for that. There's also some bones you can live without and you can live without six of your ribs so I wouldn't aim for the ribs." Cae explained as she thought about it.

"I would be concerned on how you know this, but we're a little busy." Tony said. Cae shrugged.

The alien came lunging at Cae, but she didn't move. She waited until last milisecond to move to the left where she impaled her knife into its heart.

"I think you can also live without your coccyx so I wouldn't aim for that either." Cae said as she pulled out her knife and twirled it in her fingers.

"Great, let's go see if Wanda, Pietro, Sam, and Bucky need any help." Tony said as he took the lead and lead them all out of the ship and into the open area.

They were not expecting what they saw. There was blood in the snow, bullets, knives, and a whole lot more. The four were sitting on the ground in the snow.

Cae, Steve, Tony, Nat, and Clint immediately ran over them. No one was dead which was a plus side, but they were all pretty badly beaten up.

"Are you guys okay?!" Steve asked first. Everyone was concerned for them.

"We'll be fine, you guys need to find them. They went off in that direction." Bucky said as he pointed to the direction of the mountain.

"Well that's just great..." Natasha said as she looked at it. What they were all not expecting was for Cae to run towards it.

Tony pulled his phone out of a bag nearby. He doubted Cae had her phone on her but it was worth a try.

What are you doing??

I'm going after them
What do you think?!

Why do you have your phone on you?

Never leaves my side

Disturbing but it's a mountain
those things are long gone by now and we can't catch up

just let them mate and destroy the whole world


Aint gonna happen
i mean
i was already dragged here and it aint gonna be for nothing

Cae muted chat


Cae's Pov:

It was hard to text and run at full speed at the same time so she had no other choice but to mute her phone.

She followed the footprints until she saw the figures of the aliens. They were still far away, but it looked like even they were having trouble in the snow.

Cae ran faster and faster. She was so close to catching up, but the female smacked its tail onto Cae's rib cage.

"Welp... Like I said, you can live without six ribs..." Cae said as she got up slowly. The female continued on, but the male stayed put in front of Cae.

"I heard without two of a species they could go extinct." Cae said while twirling a knife. The alien lunged at her. Didn't the aliens learn anything?

With her experience of killing all of the other male aliens, Cae killed this on with ease. She started running full speed after the female.

This time when the female swung its tail, Cae hopped above it. "I think I'll nickname you Polly." Cae said as 'Polly' swung her tail at her again.

Cae and Polly fought for a long while. It was back and forth. Polly would try to bite Cae, but Cae would dodge away and try to slice Polly, but Polly would move out of the way. They were both dripping in blood from each other and themself.

Cae was on the ground with probably a few broken ribs, a few broken bones, and only a few bruises. Scratch that, a hunndred bruises. Polly was practically on top of Cae. Cae just smiled.

"Bad move bitch." Cae said as she jammed her serum in Polly's head. Not before Polly impaled her sharp tail into Cae's body.

Polly retracted her tail from Cae before stumbling away. Only ten seconds later, Polly exploded. Cae could see guts, the heart, which she stabbed, liver, stomach, and the lungs, on the ground cut open and/or exploded.

Cae stumbled up to her feet and tightly tied her jacket around her waist where she was stabbed by Polly's tail. Cae also had her arm around her waist ot help her bare the pain.

The walk back down the mountain was extremely difficult. When she made it back, she looked around.

She didn't see anyone. That's when Tony came out in his Iron Man suit aiming his repulsers. He immediately put them away and landed when he saw Cae.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" He asked very panicked. Cae just gave a thumbs up. Tony rolled his eyes at her.

"Yes, I'm fine Tony. The stupid thing just impaled me with its tail. Nothing big." Cae said as she continued walking.

"WHAT?!" Tony exclaimed as he followed her.

"Yeah, now, I'm going to walk back into town and find a doctor." Cae said as she started walking towards where the town was. Sadly, she didn't get too far because Tony started dragging her into the Quinjet.

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