"That didn't go as planned." Clint said as he shut off his phone.

"Give me three days and I can convince her." Steve as he turned off his own phone.

"Deal, if you fail... We have big issues." Fury said as he walked out of the room.

"Check Wilbur's channel. They said they were going to stream. If I can pinpoint his location, we'll find Aussie. Put Cap' on a plane, send him there, and the rest will be his." Tony said as he went over to a computer.

Cae, Wilbur, and Allyssa's Pov:

"Alright... Streaming in three... Two... One...!" Wilbur said as he pressed the stream button.

"Hey chat! I am going to be streaming with two of my friends." Wilbur said as he looked into the camera.

"Alright, come in the screen. Your left. Your left! LEFT!" Wilbur yelled at Allyssa.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry!" Allyssa said as she finally stepped into the screen.

"Hiiii!" Allyssa greeted the chat. "Alright everyone, this is Allyssa. Don't freak out!" Wilbur said as he read the chat.

Allyssa yanked Cae into the screen. "Everyone, this is my scary friend Aussie. We're not going to release her real name." Wilbur said as Aussie waved.

"Let's go to the beach!" Allyssa explained as she grabbed the camera and ran out the door.

"ALLYSSA!!" Wilbur yelled as he chased her down.

"God you two." Aussie said with a laugh as she chased them both down.

Time Skip

"What now genius?" Wilbur asked as he looked at Aussie and Allyssa.

Aussie and Allyssa smirked as they looked at each other and then Wilbur. Wilbur sighed.

"I threw a wish in the well" Aussie started to sing. Wilbur sighed as he knew what was going on.

"Don't ask me, I'll never tell" Allyssa continued. Allyssa and Aussie started to do what the lyrics said.

"I looked to you as it fell" Aussie sang as she looked directly at Allyssa. Wilbur was laughing and recording what was happening.

"And now you're in my way" Allyssa sang as she tried to walk, but Aussie blocked her way.

"I trade my soul for a wish" Aussie continued and started dancing. Allyssa played along.

"Pennies and dimes for a kiss" Allyssa sang as she placed a small kiss on Aussie's cheek.

"Holy shit!" Wilbur yelled soon after, but he continued recording.

"I wasn't looking for this" Aussie sang as she acted shocked.

"But now you're in my way" Allyssa sang as she tried to walk, but Aussie blocked her again.

They would have continued, but Wilbur stepped back and tripped. Allyssa and Aussie quickly ran over.

Aussie helped Wilbur up as Allyssa picked up the camera to make sure they were still live. What a great friend.

"Watch it dude! Oh my god!" Wilbur said as he looked up to see who tripped him.

"Sorry guys! We have to take care of things, uhm, we'll stream again soon, subscribe, like, and bye!" Allyssa said quickly as she ended the live.

Allyssa, Cae, and Wilbur stood up next to each other as they looked at the figure. The one and only Captain America, Steve Rogers.

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