Cae woke up in a warehouse tied to a chained to a chair. Definitely not amateurs work. The chair was bolted into the ground. In front of her stood three men.

"Hey, you guys know what time it is?" She asked as the three men turned to look at her. Would you look at that, she knew the bastards.

"Ah, if it isn't the one and only Cae. Losing your touch are you?" Xavior asked with a thick German accent. This Xavior wasn't her, he changed his name to her antihero name. She hated it.

"I asked for the time." Cae said back. "It's one forty five a.m. We thought we had killed you." Mike said as he wiped blood dripping from her head. Mike was English so no fun fancy accents.

"Dude, I don't need you to wipe the blood off of me." Cae snapped back. Behind their back, she was pick locking the lock chaining her to the chair.

"Look, all we want is the stone. You can be free after." Wayne, the third man, said as he held her chin.

Cae bashed her head into Wayne's. Blood spilled down from his nose. "How about no bastard?" Cae said with a smile.

Xavior took out a knife and sliced her arm. What fun she would be having. "I'll say it again. We want the stone." He said as he took out a taser and tased Cae. Cae didn't show any feeling.

"I'm hearing you, but I really just don't give a motherfucking shit bitches." Cae said back. Xavior tased her again, but she didn't show pain.

"Doesn't it hurt?" Mike said as he watched Xavior tase her over and over again.

"It hurts, but I know how to hide it. Kinda like it." Cae said as she licked blood dripping into her mouth from her head.

"She's insane..." Wayne concluded as he grabbed a lighter.

"She was in the military... She was trained like this..." Mike said. Xavior just got frustrated and left.

Mike also grabbed a lighter. With Wyane, they both burned Cae. Cae didn't care. She laughed and hummed the whole entire time. Eventually the two moved onto knives, tasers, but nothing work.

"Ugh, we'll be back soon." They said as they left. "Some bitches they are." Cae mumbled to herself.

Time Skip

"It's been three days! Where are they?!" Xavior yelled as he sliced Cae again. Cae was drained. She has lost a whole ton of blood, hasn't eaten anything nor drank anything. She was on the urge of giving up, but she kept going.

"Y'know, you could always try the movie method." Cae said as she tried her 6389th attempt to pick lock the locks.

"Movie method?" Wayne asked as he got closer.

"Man, I knew your lives were depressing and sad, but not this sad! Y'know, when they video chat whomever, tortue, then whomever tracks the call and boom." Cae explained.

Mike raised his eyebrow as they started setting up a computer. "Let's hope this works." Xavior said as he started the call. Multiple people joined.

That included Nat, Clint, Tony, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Pietro, Bruce, Maria, nice of her to join, Fury, nice of him to join, Peter, Allyssa, and Wilbur. Kind of them to join too.

They all looked terrible. Some looked as they have been crying while others looked tired and drained. All though, Sam looked as if he hadn't gotten too hurt.

"Look here Avengers, we have your little bitch so come and get her." Xavior said as he sliced Cae's throat with his knife.

"I am not a bitch thank you very much." Cae said back happily. Xavior glared at her, but Cae only raised her eyebrow.

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