Cae woked up on the Quinjet. Of course. She was surrounded by the Avengers, but she still had her suit and mask on.

Cae quickly jumped up which startled some of the Avengers. Cae backed up into a corner and stood defensively.

"Welcome aboard Xavior. It's nice to finally meet you." Tony said as he got up and walked closer to Xavior.

Xavior pulled out a knife from her pocket. Tony immediately backed away. "Hey, it's okay. We aren't here to hurt you." Nat said as she stepped closer.

"Just put the knife down and everything will be fine." Clint said as he stared Xavior down right in the eye. Xavior glanced at him but kept her eyes on Nat.

"We're here! Are they awake?" Steve yelled from the pilot's seat as he landed the Quinjet.

"Uhmm... Yeah... They're definitely awake." Tony said as he even watched Xavior grip harder onto her blade.

Steve walked into the cockpit to see the scene. He was surely surprised. "Look, Fury sent us to get you. We need your help getting a carcass of an alien. After we get one, we'll leave you alone." Steve said as he walked to where Nat was.

Xavior lowered her blade and stared at all of them. "Perfect, Xavior, Steve, go searching for one while we protect the ship." Tony said as he pushed them out of the Quinjet.

Steve and Xavior walked silently through the forest. Steve started explaining many things about the aliens. "These alien animals are ridiculously hard to kill. We can't find a weakness. They are very poisonous. One bite and it could end badly." Steve explained. He was going to explain more, but Xavior interrupted.

"Venomous, the correct word used is venomous." Xavior said in a full Australian accent. Cae knew if she did her Australian-French-English-British-Russian type accent, they would for sure know it was her. Only recently did the Russian and English accent come in.

"Right, sorry. You're Australia?" Steve asked as he noticed the accent. Xavior didn't answer him, so he continued on.

"These aliens are a good size. About a human size, but they crawl on all four. They are a pale gray color and have a long tail." Steve finished with.

He looked over at Xavior who was walking while looking around. Steve noticed an alien coming from Xavior's right side, so he pushed away.

The alien pounced and landed right where Xavior would have been. Xavior, being the great person she is, snuck away without Steve seeing where she went.

Steve was trying to stay far away from the alien, but when he saw that Xavior was gone, he panicked.

"Shit! Where are they?!" Steve exclaimed as he looked around. He stared at the alien as it pounced. He was frozen in fear, he couldn't move a single limb in his body.

Thankfully, Xavior slid right in front of him. The alien bit Xavior's arm, but Xavior pushed two blades deep into the stomach.

The alien back up and stumbled in exhaustion. Blood spilled out like a waterfall. Xavior got up and pulled out a katana. She stabbed the alien right in the heart until it fell to the ground dead.

"Thanks, I thought you left me." Steve said as he watched Xavior pull out her blades and start dragging the carcass.

"You going to help?" Xavior asked him as he stared at her.

"Right, sorry..." Steve said as he helped Xavior drag the carcass back towards the Quinjet.

"What's wrong with you? You seem upset." Xavior asked Steve. Steve looked up at them.

"I'm just having these troubles..." Steve said sadly as he thought about it.

"What kind?" Xavior asked him. Steve looked at her confusedly.

"You don't mind me spilling them, do you?" Steve asked with a small smile.

"Not at all." Xavior said. On the inside, she was rolling her eyes.

"Well... Me and some of the other Avengers had this online friend. Once they figured out it was us and we lied to them, they ghosted us." Steve said sadly.

Hate to be them. Wait. Shit! He's talking about me, isn't he? Xavior thought as Steve continued to spill his problems.

"They were kind of sweet. Definitely a savage though. I miss all of their odd conversations and their weird arguments with their friends." Steve said as he realized something. Xavior and Aussie could be the same person.

"Hey, Aussie?" Steve asked. Xavior looked up at him. "Hm? Yeah?" She asked.

"Wait... You're Aussie?" Xavior finally realized her mistake. "Yeah..." Aussie/Xavior said shyly. The accent changed back to the fun, original, Australian-French-English-British-Russian accent.

Steve dropped the carcass and hugged Aussie. Aussie gave a dim smile and hugged him too. "I've missed you a lot." Steve said as embraced the hug.

Steve and Aussie quickly finished dragging the carcass back to the Quinjet. When they dropped it, Aussie held her arm. It was hurting like hell.

"What happened to you?" Tony asked Xavior. Xavior sighed and showed him her arm. He gasped and cleaned it out.

About mid-flight, the one and only Nick Fury emerged from a hidden room. "Xavior." Fury said as he looked at Xavior standing in the corner.

"We need a talk Nicholas." Xavior said as she dragged Fury into a different room. Steve secretly followed and listened in.


"Xavior, please. It was the only we could get your help. You would have refused." Fury said as he tried to calm Xavior.

"Yeah it was! I don't want to hear anything from you again!" Xavior said as she stormed out, stole a parachute and jumped off the plane.

Fury and Steve quickly rushed to the cockpit to see Xavior jump off the Quinjet. "What the hell just happened?" Nat asked as she looked up.

Fury and Steve explained everything. Everything on how Aussie was Aussie, the General, and Xavior. Everyone was surprised and impressed.

"LaNgUaGe!" Avengers Wrong NumberWhere stories live. Discover now