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"Are you seriously just wearing a tanktop and a jacket in below freezing temperatures in Russia in the snowy mountains?" Tony asked as his suit appeared on him.

"Yes, yes I am." Cae answered back. She was kind of cold, not freezing though. She coould handle it though.

"I'm freakin freezing my ass off over here in a winter coat!" Clint exclaimed.

"Oh don't get me wrong, it's cold, but I'm ignoring it." Cae said happily as she drew in the snow.

"How do you ignore the cold?" Nat asked as she looked to see what Cae was drawing.

"You just ignore it. Just how you ignore people and noises. Don't care about the cold, don't care about the pain, don't care about the snow. Easily ignored." Cae said as she finished drawing a picture of an alien in the snow.

"You draw good." Wanda said as she walked over and also admired Cae's picture with Nat.

"Anyway, did guys bring the explosives?" Cae asked as she walked away from her drawing.

"Nope, we forgot em." Clint said. He was trying to prank Cae, but Cae didn't seem bothered by it.

"Eh, that's alright. I can just get some from the fellow Russians." Cae said simply. Clint frowned so Steve stepped in.

"Don't worry, we brought them. Clint was just trying to prank you." Steve said as he pointed to the Quinjet.

"That's good. Let's hurry this up before Allyssa figures out that I actually went through with this." Cae said quickly.

"You didn't tell her?" Tony asked as he walked over. Cae just stared at him.

"Yes, I wanted to have a one way death ticket. No! Of course I didn't tell her! She would fuckin end me!" Cae exclaimed. Nat only laughed.

"Alright then." Everyone started to unload the explosives and set them up. They connected them to many wires and then connected the wires to a detonator.

"Are we ready?" Tony asked as they stood many feet away. Cae looked around.

"No, I forgot something over there. I'll be back." Cae said as she started running towards the explosives.

"She's running towards the explosives. Not dangerous at all." Sam stated as they all watched Cae run.

About five minutes later Cae came back with her brief case. She got stares, but she didn't care. "Okay, I'm ready now." Cae stated as Pietro stole the detonator and pressed the button.

Cae went into her briefcase and pulled out many plastic goggles. She put a pair on and handed the rest out.

"Plastic goggles? What's that gonna do? I'm good." Clint said as he pushed them back to Cae. Cae shrugged. Everyone else put them on.

A minute later the explosion happened. Ice shards came close. One ice shard came straight at Clint's eyes and he didn't even notice. Luckily Cae caught it.

"I think I'll take those plastic goggles.... Hurry!" Clint exclaimed. Everyone laughed as Cae handed him the goggles. Clint stumbled, but hurried to put on the goggles.

The explosions and the fires went out after ten minutes. Cae was the first one to walk over. All of the Avengers shrugged and followed.

When Cae finally made it to where the explosions went off, there was a big hole in the ground. In that whole was a space ship that was still half buried. The Avengers all came from behind and stared at the discovery.

"Well... This is a ground breaking discovery." Cae stated. A lot of the Avengers gave Cae the side eye, but she ignored that too.

Cae hoped down and into the space ship. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! What are you doing?! You don't just walk into a space ship you find that is still half buried in the snow!" Tony exclaimed. Cae looked at him.

"Yes I do. That's what I'm here for, isn't it? It's what you all convinced me to come do, isn't it? It's the reason how Allyssa is going to freakin murder me, isn't?" Cae asked as she continued walking into the space ship with her breif case.

The Avengers that were there stared. "Alright, listen up. Here's the plan." Steve announced. Everyone walked away from the edge to listen.

"Peter and Bruce are waiting on the Quinjet which is not too far away. Nat, Clint, Tony, and I will follow Cae into the space ship and try to kill off the aliens. Wanda, Pietro, Bucky, and Sam, stay further away and hidden behind ice/snow mounds in case any get out and then you can sneak attack them." Steve said. Everyone nodded their heads in understandment.

Wanda, Pietro, Sam, and Bucky went to go hide while Steve, Clint, Nat, and Tony hoped down into the slace ship. They followed the directions they saw Cae go.

Cae's Pov:

"Well damn, these aliens have a nicer space ship than my apartment." Cae said as she looked in the rooms and down the halls.

There was a noise in the vent to Cae's left. Cae took out her knife and held it close. She looked at the vent as it made another noise.

Cae silently and sneakily went to the the side of the vent. She unhooked the vent and Clint came tumbling out. Cae stared in disbelief as she tossed her knife up and caught it, then put it away.

"Oh, hey Cae!" Clint exclaimed happily. Cae chuckled as she helped Clint up from the ground. Clint and Cae looked around.

"Where are the others?" Cae asked as she looked around. Clint also looked around again.

"I have no idea..." Clint just looked at Cae. Cae shrugged and continued forward. Clint looked around once more to make sure they weren't anyway near before following Cae.

Cae and Clint made it into a large area. It was circular and inside that area was capsules. These capsules had the aliens frozen in them. There was six of them.

"Holy shit..." Cae mumbled to herself. Clint was too stunned to even make a noise. Just then, Steve, Tony, and Nat came in slightly panicked until they saw Clint.

"There you are Clint! We've be- HOLY SHIT!" Tony exclaimed as he saw Clint and the capsules with the aliens frozen in them.

Cae went up to the capsules. She looked closley at the aliens body. It was still alive. She could see slight twitching and movements.

"Shit... These things are still alive..." She said quietly. Luckily, Nat, Steve, Tony, and Clint heard her.

Cae took her briefcase and opened it. Nat looked over to see that there were smaller capsules with a green serum in them.

Cae carefully took one and placed it into a slot that was in the capsule. She didn't know that there was a slot and she was just going to drop it in from the top, but the slot made it easier.

Steve, Tony, Nat, and Clint watched as Cae pushed her serum in and the whole alien exploded from the inside. Guts were littered on the wall of the capsule.

"That was disgusting..." Tony whispered as he walked over to an alien capsule with Nat. They broke the capsule and shot at the alien, but were surely shocked when the alien lunged at them.

"I THOUGHT YOU SAID THEY WERE FROZEN?!" Tony exclaimed as he shot at the alien. The alien dodged all of his and Nat's attacks.

"They were until your broke it out. I'm sure he's thankful." Cae snickered back as she dodged the alien.

The alien unfortunately broke out the other three. Cae luckily was able to kill another one before it could escape. Steve, Nat, Tony, Clint, and Cae were now just dodging four aliens that were trying to kill them.

The bigger one took a run for and ran down the hall with a small one. Cae saw it out of the corner of her eye.

"Shit! That was a male and a female!" Cae exclaimed as she tried to follow, but another smaller one blocked her way.

"Which ones are the males?!" Steve asked as he used his shield to block a bite from the alien.

"The smaller ones!" Cae exclaimed as she tried to get around the male in front of her.

Cae, Steve, Tony, Clint, and Nat fought the aliens for a while, but they really needed to get out of the ship and kill the female.

"Screw it!" Cae said as she ran straight towards the alien. The alien didn't move, it stayed put and faced Cae. When Cae was a split second from getting to it, she slid underneath it and sliced it's belly. She stopped under the cut and stabbed the heart with her blade.

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