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Wilbur nudged Cae awake. It was only three minutes since their friends signed off. Allyssa was out cold.

"What do you want?" Cae groaned at Wilbur. Wilbur looked pretty ecstatic to be honest.

"When will we be there?" Wilbur was waking Cae up to ask her when they were going to be there? Seriously?

"Soon." Cae felt like taking a knife, stabbing it into her skin, dragging the cold sharp blade across her skin, and letting the warm red liquid drip down as it stung. It wouldn't be the first.

"Will you stream with me and Tommy?" Wilbur was so innocent. Cae had no idea how he was surviving in the cruel world.

"Sure." Cae actually smiled. Wilbur's smile grew bigger. It was kind of creepy.

"Yay!" He finally yelled out. It wasn't too loud, but it wasn't quiet either.

"Alright, well, I guess I'm awake now." Cae said with a frown and a sigh.

"Patty cake?" Wilbur asked as he help his arms and hands out ready to play.

"Sure." Cae said as she started playing patty cake with Wilbur. He was such a kid.

Tony's Pov:

Tony just had a memory come. Wilbur and Allyssa were coming to drop of the jar. Tony looked around his lab. It was so messy.

Tony started to hurry up and clean his lab before they got there. He moved piles of paper, organized them, put pens away, and threw out garbage.

"Hey To- -Are you cleaning?" Bruce asked as he walked in. He's never seen Tony clean on his own will before.

"Yes, Allyssa and Wilbur are coming!" Tony exclaimed.

"Right." Bruce said as he walked out. His question could wait for a better time.

Right when Tony thought things couldn't get worse, Pepper and Nat walk in. Tony rolled his eyes at them.

"You seeing this Pep?" Nat asked as she pointed to Tony and then around his lab which was looking very neat.

"If you're talking about Tony cleaning, then yes." Pepper said surprised as she even took in the sight.

"This is new..." Nat said. She looked away and at Pepper who was probably for shocked than Nat. Tony ignored the two and continued cleaning.

"I don't think I like it..." Pepper said as she looked at Nat in horror.

"I agree..."  Nat said as she took a step backwards. Pepper noticed and figured it would be a good idea to leave.

"Come on." Pepper said as the two women left. Tony was aholy that he was going to be left alone, but of course they told Clint and Thor.

Thor didn't seem to care much, but Clint ran all the way to Tony's lab which was only a few yards. Once Clint saw the scene, he ran away screaming.

That was the last Tony saw of Clint for a while. Tony continued cleaning until his lab was spotless. He was finally satisfied.

Cae, Wilbur, and Allyssa's Pov:

Cae, Wilbur, and Allyssa made it to the hotel. They laid down all of their bags, and then Wilbur and Allysa all headed out. All they needed to do was get to the tower, and deliver the Jar to the front desk.

Cae decided she would go to the Smithsonian because she was bored and there was nothing else to do.

When she arrived there, it was kind of packed. She walked through the whole building and saw some very interesting things. She also saw the exhibit that they made for Captain America.

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