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After Cae pryed Allyssa and Wilbur off of Happy, they headed for the meeting room. Everyone was there. Fury looked right at the three.

"Why are you so surprised to see us?" Cae asked in her full Russian accent.

"That's your normal accent?" Clint asked as he looked at Cae. Cae shook her head.

"Let's get to work now. I don't want to be here any longer than I have to." Cae said in her regular Russian/British/English/Australian/Spanish/French accent. Everyone's faces were full of surprise.

"Alright then... I'll be on my way." Fury said as he walked out of the meeting room to leave everyone to work.

"Bruce, Tony, we have work to do. Everyone else that isn't good with sciency stuff, don't get involved." Cae said as she looked directly at Allyssa and Wilbur.

"Cool, we'll be in the lounge room." Clint said as he lead everyone to the lounge room. Tony put a hand on Peter's shoulder before he could leave.

"Peter's going to stay. It'll be good knowledge to learn about today." Tony said as he lead them to his lab. The carcass was on a table.

"Revolting" Cae said as she yanked a claw off of the revolting alien carcass. She went over to a microscope and looked at it through it.

"What do you see?" Tony asked as he took a peek through the microscope. Peter and Bruce did the same.

"It's not sediment or blood... It's ash. Volcanic ash to be exact. It's not from Russia either. It's from Korea or China." Cae stated as she thought about it.

"How do you know that?" Peter asked as he finished looking at it.

"Do you want me to explain the chemical makeup of the whole sediment?" Cae asked as she looked directly at Peter.

"No thanks." Peter said happily.

"How does Chinese volcanic ash end up in Russia?" Bruce asked as he took another look.

"Better question, how would a creature from Russia get volcanic ash from Korea or China underneath its claws." Cae said as Tony, Bruce, and Peter looked impressed.

"Do you know?" Tony asked Cae. Cae gave him a pouty face.

"Of course I do. It would have to be from the Millennium eruption." Cae said. Bruce perked up.

"Of course, the Millennium eruption!" Bruce said happily.

"What the hell is that?" Tony asked as he looked between Bruce and Cae.

"The Paektu Mountain on the boarder of China and Korea erupted 946 CE. The eruption classified as a VEI-6 event. Ash can still be found buried underneath the ice." Cae explained.

"Is there a way to pinpoint exactly where that ash in Russia would have landed?" Bruce asked as he was even more intrigued.

Cae smiled and took out her laptop. She entered it and brought up a 3d model of the largest glacier in Northern Russia.

"Scientists who do deep drill experiments have found volcanic ash at a depth of four hundred meters below ground. The depth consistent with the average snowfall since the year since 946 CE." Cae finished.

"But to get ash in the claws would mean they would have to dig through a thousand years of ice." Peter stated.

"They didn't dig down, they dug up." Cae stated.

"That's why there's no sign of any landing or how they got here. That's how they just appeared." Tony stated.

"They've been here the whole time." Cae finished.

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