So apparently Allyssa gave Cae's spare phone/work phone number to Bruce Banner because he started to text her on her spare phone.

Bruce Banner
Hello, this is Bruce Banner.
Am I speaking to the General?

That would be me.
What can I do for you Doctor Banner?

Bruce Banner
I would like to schedule a meeting about the jar.

When, where, and what time?

Bruce Banner
Preferably today, it doesn't matter, and hopefully at 12:25

Can we go to the cafe down the block from the tower and I'll be there

Bruce Banner

Cae sighed as she threw on a vest instead. She was wearing a long sleeved shirt underneath so the bruise wouldn't show.

She got up, left the hotel, and walked to the cafe. She might have been about five minutes early so she ordered a coffee and sat down at a booth.

Bruce came not too long later. He looked very familiar, but he was famous, so Cae didn't think much about it.

"Hello General, we have been trying to open the jar, but we can bot break it. We have tried Thor, Mjölnir, Iron Man, the super soldiers, and even hulk. Nothing can break it." Bruce was surprised when the General laughed.

"You're kidding, right?" Gener asked Bruce Banner. Bruce shook his head which brought Cae into flashbacks.


Cae was just walking to the airport when she bumped into a pole and dropped the jar.

"Oh shit! Yikes, that chipped!" Cae yelled as she picked up the jar she had dropped.


Cae was sitting on a bed while throwing the jar up and down. It was about to hit the floor when Cae caught it, but squeezed it so hard that it cracked.

"Fuck! I shouldn't have done that!" Cae yelled as she checked the damage she did to the jar.


Cae and Wilbur were playing catch with the jar because why not, when Cae caught it, but dropped it at the same time.

"Cae!" Wilbur yelled as he tried to catch the jar, but failed. Horror was in both of their eyes when the jar hit the ground and pieces of glass chipped off.

"Shit, shit, shit! This is not good!" Cae yelled. After that, they wrapped the jar into one hundred and fifty layers of bubble wrap.


"I'm sorry, but I almost broke that thing like ten times. It's hard to believe that you can't break it." General said to Bruce. Bruce's eyes went wide.

"Would you mind then coming to the lab to break it?" Cae really didn't want to do that, but if it was going to let her go back to England faster, she would happily do it.

"Sure, let's go get this done with." Bruce lead General to a cell where Thor was trying to break the jar with Mjölnir.

"Well fuck. That's messed up." General said as she walked into the cell and saw Thor giving everything he had to open the jar.

"Thor, we're going to let General try to open it." Bruce said as Thor sighed and left the cell.

General walked in and grabbed the jar from the ground. She squeezed her hands as hard as she could and the glass shattered. Some of it got in her hands, but she could get that out later.

Inside the jar was a stone. It was glowing and was weird. Bruce walked in and looked at it. "Woah..." Bruce said as he observed it.

"Well... I think my time here is done. I will be taking the stone and leaving for France now." General said as she walked out.

Time Skip

"Guess what bitches! We're goin back to England!" Cae yelled as she went into the hotel and packed her bag. She also made the rock/stone into a necklace and tied it around her throat.

"Bruh, we just got here like yesterday. Your job really is fucked up." Allyssa said a she packed her bag.

"Hey! Atleast we got to taste a churro!" Wilbur yelled as he packed his stuff. They all hopped into an uber and took it to the airport.

Low and behold, there was one Steve Rogers standing right there where they were, blocking them from getting to the security.

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