"Quit your joking." Allyssa said as they shoved Cae. "Ow." Cae said as she gave the death glare to Allyssa.

Thor and Loki walked in bickering from the door that had opened. "Seriously, why do I have to be here on Midguard?" Loki asked Thor.

"Reminds me of you three." Sam said as he looked at Wilbur, Allyssa, and Cae. "Abcdefu." Cae said as she smiled then looked away.

"You go girl." Allyssa said as they high fived Cae. Thor and Loki just now acknowledged that everyone was there.

"Who are these three new mortals?" Loki asked as he looked at Cae, Allyssa, and Wilbur.

"Your worst nightmare." Sam said as he looked at them.

"Ignore him, that's Cae, Allyssa, and Wilbur." Tony said as he introduced them.

"Hello mortals! I am Thor!" Thor said as he squeezed the life out of Cae, Allyssa, and Wilbur.

"Do you think being squeezed to death from a hug is an exciting enough death?" Wilbur asked as he got released out of the hug.

"Nope." Cae said as she got released from the hug.

"Agreed, not exciting enough." Allyssa said once they were released from the hug.

"I am Loki, god of mischief and son of Odin." Loki said as he introduced himself.

"Hello, I'm Cae." Cae said as she waved.

"I'm Allyssa." Allyssa said as she stole Cae's phone.

"I'm Wilbur." Wilbur said as he waved.

"Girl, why are all of your contacts like Unknown?" Allyssa asked as she looked through Cae's contacts.

"That's odd..." Nat said as she took the phone and looked through it.

"Oh yeah, let's just look through Cae's phone." Cae said as she rolled her eyes.

Thor and Loki greeted the rest of the Avengers as Nat and Allyssa went through Cae's phone.

"Hey! Why do you have Yaoba's phone number, but I don't!" Allyssa yelled as she added the number into her phone.

"Who's Yaoba?" Tony asked as he took the phone.

"A random stranger we met at Starbucks." Cae said as she and Wilbur started having a thumb war.

"Why do you two make friends everywhere you go?" Clint asked as he took a peek at the phone.

"Why not? Friends are lovely!" Thor yelled as he and Loki stood in a corner.

"Would you guys like to be added to the group chat?" Wilbur asked as he looked at the two.

"That would be splendid!" Thor yelled out.

Wilbur added Thor to the chat
Wilbur added Loki to the chat

"Well this is going to be interesting." Cae said as she looked at Allyssa. Allyssa smiled at her as they looked at Wilbur.

"Sure will be." Wilbur said as he looked at the two.

The End

A/N: I really hope you enjoyed the book. Have an awesome day/night/morning/evening/afternoon/midnight!

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