Iblis Bio:

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Name: Aurora Norma

Alias: Iblis

Age: 27

Hair colour: blonde

Eye colour: blue

Gender: female

Guild Emblem color: black

Sin: Pride

Personalty: Tends to be prideful of herself. She is the leader of the Ten Deadly Sins for a good reason because she represents the sin of Pride, which according to her is the strongest of the Deadly Sins.

Appearance: A very attractive woman with light skin, long blonde hair and blue eyes.

Outfit: She wore a loose-fitting white dress that was completely sleeveless; she also wore black wristbands. There were openings below to show off her long slender legs, with black sandals. She also has the symbol of a black pentagram, the emblem of Devil Hand, on the bottom of her dress.

Magic: Iblis wields Morning Star magic, or simply called Black Light magic. A hybrid between light and darkness. It moves about as fast as light, and yet at the same time it's as all consuming as darkness.


Morning Star Chaos Wings: Iblis can create a pair of angelic wings made of dark magic, coming from her back.

Morning Star Black Comet: She can shoot long-range multiple large black energy projectiles.

Morning Star Chaos Blades: Iblis' hands grabbed solid black magic, which took the form of two long swords, one in each hand.

Morning Star Black Nova: Iblis can create a large ball of black light, which not only blasted away any incoming projectiles, but also sent waves of black light.

Morning Star Chaos Shield: Iblis can conjure an black light energy shield around herself that not only can unleash a shock wave that can damage her enemies if too close, but can also makes her invincible to all attacks.

Morning Star Chaotic Nebula: She can unleash black lightning.

Morning Star Black Bullet: She can fire a set of black energy bullets that can somewhat home in on her enemies.

Morning Star Chaotic Statue: Iblis unleash a double headed statue head that will fire a black light beam from both heads that will clutter up the arena and will sometimes corner her enemies as a surprise attack.

Ultimate Morning Star Technique Heavenly Black Hole: Iblis can create a small but powerful black sphere that serves as a black hole. It'll draw everything into it and continue to grow size and suck everything.

Backstory: Iblis has no indication of a dark or troubled past. She joined Y/N and Devil Hand to become a Magic Goddess, aiming to become stronger than the Ten Wizard Saints.

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