Adramalech Bio:

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(credit to @Loki1234a)

Name: Phoenix Fireheart 

Age: 24

Alias: Adramalech

Hair Color: black (crimson when overuse of magic) 

Eye Color: red (left) blue (right) 

Gender: male

Height: 6'0

Body type: lean

Hair length/style: spiky 

Add ons: a tattoo of a phoenix and a sword

Guild Emblem Color: Gradient red

Sin: Chaos

Personality: Friendly, caring, will try to cause chaos wherever he goes, will laugh like a gremlin when doing it, also crazy but not as much. 

Outfit: grey jacket with red shirt, blue shorts, and sandals. 


True Fire Magic: able to freely manipulate fire to do anything he wants and form it into weapons to fight. 

Burst Magic: can create pulses or bursts when in contact with anyone to send them flying or give himself a burst of speed or strength.

Backstory: When he was younger, he always had a knack to cause chaos in his village be it small or large. He always caused it, just to make it fun. But one day, he was kicked out because they had enough chaos.

He joined Devil Hand to cause more chaos and make life enjoyable for himself.  

One more member left to go. Before I end this, I would like to make a request. Can you please have the last one be a female? 

I had a feeling six male members and four female members would be enough to make up for the Ten Deadly Sins. 

If you have an idea, let me know at the comments below. Peace out!

A Demon Among Fairies: Fairy Tail x Male Ziggy ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now