Chapter 10: Aftermath

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At the guild of Devil Hand, the members have celebrated their attack on Crocus by drinking or fighting in contests. At the Master's office, Y/N was seen sitting on his couch with Asmodeua and Lucifer next to him. 

The rest of Ten Deadly Sins along with the Four Horsemen, Ijuna, Maria, Bol, Sledge, and Erron Black were also here as well. 

Y/N: Well done. Despite a few setbacks, we have managed to claim victory over our attack on Crocus. 

Iblis: Thank you, Master. 

Samael: I still have yet to find that man. 

Ronin: You mean Sabertooth's former master? Don't worry, I heard he was dead.

Samael: What?  

Rin: He's right. Apparently, he was struck down by Sting believing he killed his Exceed friend. Now he's currently the Master of Sabertooth.

Samael: I see... 

Mammon: (smirk) Looks like he still your kill, pal. 

Belphegor: Those wizards from the other guilds were so lame, I barely got any entertainment. 

Satan: Not me. That fight with Jura was a blast! Makes me want to fight the other Wizard Saints.

Leviatha: Still bloodthirsty as ever, Satan. 

Beelzebub: The beast is still yet satisfy. It craves more blood. 

Erron Black: You need to keep that thing on a leash, kid. 

Rayna: Don't worry, Erron. He's trying his best to suppress it.

Beelzebub: Thank you, Rayna. 

 Asmodeua: (smirk) I did saw some beautiful girls though. Their body types are perfect, not as perfect as Master Ziggy. 

Lucifer: You guys should've seen how I beat Minerva up like a blood pup she is. It was so good. 

Aldramalech: (laughs) How amusing!

Maria: What is it that you find so funny?

Aldramalech: Who'd ever imagine that there would be people daring to stand against Devil Hand, mainly the Fairy Tail wizards. (starts walking) I'm off.

Maria: You're not considering heading out to their guild hall, are you?

Aldramalech: Why not? It would be a perfect warm up exercise for my powers. Or do you actually think they'll defeat me?

Bol: Now wait a minute. Have you forgotten that it was this kind of arrogance that led to Oracion Seis and Grimoire Heart's downfall seven years ago? 

Aldramalech: Oh don't be a spoil sport, old man. 

Iblis: Master Ziggy? 

Y/N: Very well, I will allow it. But do not underestimate them, Aldramalech. 

Aldramalech: Yeah, yeah, I won't. But it would be a lot of fun. 

With the wave of his hand, Y/N used his Wormhole ability to transport Aldramalech before he stood up.

Rio: Where are you going?

Y/N: To my chambers. The rest of you enjoy the victory while it lasts.

He exits the room as he was walking through the hallway. 

???: It appears you have reunited with your old friends.

He stops as soon as he heard a familiar voice. He turned his to see a tall elderly alien being with features of aquatic animals, having a mass of tentacles for hair and a matching "beard" and fins in place of his ears. Additionally, he has sharp eyes and spotted skin. He wears a high collared coat with a chain holding the cuffs together, ocean-themed flowing robes, and a long cape.

A Demon Among Fairies: Fairy Tail x Male Ziggy ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now