Asmodeua Bio:

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Name: Kait Miltz

Alias: Asmoeua

Age: 26

Hair colour: black

Eye colour: grey

Gender: female

Guild Emblem Color: violet

Sin: Lust

Personality: She went so far as to call herself lust everlasting. She is seductive, flirty, and has considers to be a femdom. She then states that her favorite type is the lust for her victims' souls.

Appearance: Asmodeua is an attractive woman with pale skin with long black hair tied in a ponytail with grey eyes along with black lipstick.

Outfit: She wore a very short black shirt and skirt with nothing covering her very long legs, all the way down to a pair of black heels. In addition to the green Devil Hand symbol on her outfit, she also bore spider-web-like tattoos on her arms.

Magic: She's wields Spider-like magic powers.


Spider Creation: Asmodeua can use her Spider-like-magic to create spiders as her children.

Web Net: Asmodeua can create a series of spiders crawling up to her enemies legs before they explode, completely encased in webbing around their bodies.

Spider's Venom: Asmodeua can grow long and sharp claws that she coats in green venom for combat.

Huntsman's Aura: Asmodeua surrounds herself with green aura of pure lust as she uses it to sprint.

Arachnid's Web: Asmodeua can shoot out long strands of spider-web.

Venom Kiss: When she kiss either a boy or a girl, their body will go numb and paralyze for a few hours.

Backstory: Asmodeua was known as the Black Widow because she kidnaps more than three dozen teenage girls and young women and adds them for her collection. She's interested in both men and woman, but prefers women. She joined Devil Hand to have a fun full of lust. 

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