Chapter 8: Reunion

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Wendy was thrown against the ground at the town of Crocus as Leviatha glared at her, Carla on the ground in front of the resentful girl. Before the Exceed could crawl away, Leviatha stomped her foot on the talking cat causing her to scream in pain.

Wendy: No Carla! Sheeree, stop! Please!

Leviatha: That's not my name! I told you, my name is Leviatha!

Wendy: Please... why are you doing this?! (tears were about to fall from her eyes) We were part of Cait Shelter together! We were friends!

Leviatha: No, we are not friends! We never were friends! (saw the tears flowing down Wendy's face, mocking) Aw is the little Dragon Slayer gonna cry? You'll be shedding more than tears when I'm done with you! Sky Dragon Roar!

She shot another breath attack directly at Wendy who could only scream with closed eyes at it came close toward her.

???: Water Nebula!

A powerful spirally stream of water had collide with Leviatha's breath attack. The resulting collision created a large splash of water that sprayed in all directions.

Leviatha: What?!

Wendy opened her eyes slowly to look and see Juvia who stood in front of her. 

Wendy: Juvia...

Juvia: Are you alright?

Wendy: Yeah... I will be. Thank you.

Leviatha: (glares) Damn you. Protecting her like that.

The Devil Hand wizard started sensing a strong magic power coming down at her from above. She turned in that direction to see Sherria appearing in the sky and already unleashing an attack.

Sherria: Sky God Boreas!

Bringing her arms together to collide two opposing black whirlwinds, a spiraling cyclone of black wind was blasted straight at Leviatha who quickly jump to avoid it. 

Sherria: Wendy! 

Wendy: Sherria...

Juvia: Who are you? Why are you with Devil Hand?

Leviatha: My name is Leviatha, and I'm here to see Wendy Marvell suffer!

Sherria: Why? What did she ever do to you?

Leviatha: That's none of your business.

???: It is when it comes to our guild mates and friends are in danger. 

She turned to see Gray and Lyon approaching and stand beside their guild mates. 

Juvia: Gray!

Sherria: Lyon!

Lyon: What happened to you Gray? You're looking rather rough.

Gray: I was just taking care of unfinished business; you know how it is.

Leviatha: Tch. More annoying pests. 

Leviatha placed a hand on her palm as an icy-mist formed right before she cast a spell.

Leviatha: Ice-Make Lance!

This caught Gray and Lyon by completely surprise, Gray quickly formed an ice-shield to block the ice-projectiles shot his way, but his shocked look did not fade.

Gray's thoughts: What the hell?! That's my spell! How did she know that?!

Juvia: She can used Ice magic like Gray and Lyon?! 

A Demon Among Fairies: Fairy Tail x Male Ziggy ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now