Satan Bio:

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Name: Bruticus

Alias: Satan

Age: 30

Hair Color: none

Eye Color: red

Gender: male

Guild Emblem Color: red

Sin: Wrath

Personality: Has a huge temper and enjoy a good fight to the death.

Appearance: Satan is a very large man, roughly ten feet tall. He was ripped to say the least. Muscles were on virtually every part of his body. His skin was red, almost like blood. He was bald and his eyes were merely pupils.

Outfit: The only clothing he wore was a pair of black shorts. He had no shirt, no shoes, nothing. On his left shoulder was a red tattoo that was also the emblem of the Devil Hand guild.

Magic: He uses some kind of magic where when enemies hurt him, he becomes stronger.


Bloody Flame Strike: Satan pulled back his fist, as it appeared coated in blood-red-fire. If his enemies make contact to the fist, it results in a red explosion.

Bloody Rain: With a swipe from his hand, Satan can sent a hail of blood-rain-drop-like projectiles directly at his enemies, which will explode upon impact.

Cerberus Fang: Satan coats his arms in red energy. He'll clap his hands together and a giant red dog-like beast made of energy appeared from his hands and shoot to his enemies. Once it did, it'll explode in a massive surge of blood-red energy.

Backstory: Satan is the biggest and most muscular member of the group, who loves having a good fight and feeds off the violence and hate of a battle. 

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