Ronin Bio:

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(credit to @xyzdragon1234) 

I know I've finished the Ten Deady Sins oc's, however xyzdragon1234 was willing to create and his oc's into this story. 

Now these oc's are known as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. They're the elite squad of Devil Hand, and the strongest wizard that are close to Y/N's level. 

Name: Ronin Ferrer

Age: 18

Alias: Azrael

Hair Color: Dark Purple

Eye Color: Black (Glows purple)

Gender: Male

Appearance: Also has an 8-pack and a muscular build

Personality: Despite him representing the horsemen of death he's actually a very friendly guy

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Personality: Despite him representing the horsemen of death he's actually a very friendly guy. He's nice, playful, competitive, and great to be around. However, When it comes to his enemies He's a totally different person. He's Serious, emotionless, and won't hesitate to do something drastic when it comes to saving both his friends and his sisters.

Guild Color Emblem: Black

Outfit: Black Hoodie with a black skintight sleeveless shirt underneath the hoodie, dark pants with purple neon lines and kneepads on them, black steeltoed boots, and black fingerless gloves.

Horsemen: Death

Magic: Shadow Monarch Magic, and Dark Demon Slayer Magic

Spells for Dark Demon Slayer Magic:  

1. Dark Demon Rage: The most basic attack of a Demon Slayer, which every Exorcist Mage knows how to use almost instantly, Rage is the Demon Slayer equivalent to a Dragon Slayer's Roar or a God Slayer's Bellow. The user gathers energy by inhaling and releasing a stream of darkness from their mouth, swatting their enemies with pure force. The power of Darkness' Demon Slayer mage depends on how much power is gathered and, overall, the strength of the user.

2. Dark Demon Slash: The user covers their extremities with the power of Darkness, then starts to strike the target with kicks and blows. That darkness has malleable and slashing properties: as such it can be divided into tiny tendrils to pierce their enemies. Darkness Demon Slash can be even more effectively imbued on weapons, greatly augmenting their offensive power and reach.

3. Dark Demon Hundred Knives: The user shapes a small amount of darkness in one of both hands into tiny blades, then hurls them away toward the enemies. The Hundred Knives comes from the fact that those molded weapons can be generated and molded in almost zero time and very little effort from the user, granting him a nigh-bottomless supply of throwing weapons. After they have hit their target, the dark projectiles vanish without leaving a trace. The user can also create and mold stronger knives to engage their opponent in close-quarter combat.

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