Chapter 1: The Gathering

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Underneath the Guild Hall was an underground cave. The cave was quite large, it's ceiling was more than fifty feet high. The only source of light was a series of torches that lined the walls of this massive cavern. It seemed completely empty, save for one individual who walked in from a smaller cavern entrance.

This person appeared to be a woman, a very attractive one at that. She had light skin with long blonde hair and blue eyes. Though those eyes did offer a very dangerous glint, with a hint of arrogance in them. She wore a loose-fitting white dress that was completely sleeveless; she also wore black wristbands. There were openings below to show off her long slender legs, with black sandals. But what stood out was the symbol of a black pentagram, the emblem of Devil Hand, on the bottom of her dress.

She looked around at several other cavern entrances, and when she didn't see anyone else, she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Woman: You all should be here by now! You should know better than to make Master Ziggy wait!

???: Cut us a break Iblis. We only just formed this little group.

A male voice said to her as a man entered the scene from another tunnel.

This came from a tall man with spikey black hair, tan skin, and gold colored eyes. He wore a black undershirt with black pants and shoes. On his shirt was the gold symbol of Devil Hand, but what stood out the most from him was a long golden jacket that stretched down to his legs.

Man: You can't expect us to be on time to every meeting just like that. I've got my own personal stuff to do.

Iblis: Keep yourself in line Mammon. You know better than to cross Ziggy.

???: Personally I wouldn't mind crossing him. After all he is a very handsome man.

A new voice, one that was clearly female with a lustful allure to her tone. The third person walked in from another cave. To say she was attractive would be an understatement.

She had pale skin with long black hair tied in a ponytail with grey eyes along with black lipstick. She wore a very short black shirt and skirt with nothing covering her very long legs, all the way down to a pair of black heels. In addition to the pink Devil Hand symbol on her outfit, she also bore spider-web-like tattoos on her arms.

Mammon: (grin) Ah the lovely Asmodeua. You're about as hot as ever.

Asmodeua: (smile) Maybe you'd like some more fun in the bed when we're done here Mammon?

Mammon: (grin grew wider) Count me in sweet heart.

Iblis: Business first, pleasure later.

???: Both are so boring.

A fourth voice spoke up from another cavern entrance. A young and skinny man appeared in the light, though he did not walk onto the scene. No he appeared to be sitting upon a chair that levitated off the ground.

This man had long and messy brown hair with tan skin and blue eyes. He wore a blue baggy sweatshirt with black pants, but no shoes, he was completely barefoot. His blue Devil Hand symbol was evident on his shirt, but even more so was the bored expression on his face, his hand was supporting his head as his chair moved on its own and into the chamber.

Man: Business is boring, and whatever pleasure you can come up with can't even seem the most little bit exciting.

Mammon: Guess we should be lucky you've got that fancy chair of yours Belphegor, else you wouldn't have gotten out of bed this morning.

Belphegor: Even your jokes carry no substance.

???: Aw, come on. His jokes aren't that bad.

A five voice spoken from another cavern entrance. This was a young man with black spiky hair, a red eye on his left, and a blue eye on his right. He wears a grey jacket with red shirt, blue shorts, and sandals. He also has a tattoo of a phoenix and a sword, as well as the gradient red Devil Hand emblem on his left hand. 

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