Chapter 7: Trouble at Crocus

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Y/N was standing behind the defeated Makarov, facing the castle.

Y/N: I wasn't expecting to reunite with my old master, Makarov. While it's unfortunate, if we want to be victorious, we have no choice but to annihilate the Fairy Tail guild and the other guilds as well. For once they're out of the way, we can pursue our true objective for the destruction of the Magic Council, the Baram Alliance, Zeref, and Acnologia. (heads toward the castle) But first, I must destroy the Ellipse Gate and kill the time-travelers that arrived from the future. 

(with Natsu's group)

Natsu's group are now running through a long dark hallway following behind Future Lucy. 

Future Lucy: It's this way!

Natsu: You wanna tell us how you knew about this underground path? 

Future Lucy: (smirk) I spent some time exploring the castle so I know how to get us out without being caught. It's the least I could do.

Lily: Thanks. 

Happy: Future Lucy is way smarter than the normal one...

Mira: We need to hurry and fire the signal flare.

Wendy: Yeah no kidding, I bet the others are worried sick by now!

While running, the group saw a dim light at the end of the hallway. When they exited the dark hallway, they found themselves in another one, but this time its brighten by huge windows.

However, their luck ran out when they heard multiple footsteps from one end of the hallway. What they saw is a large platoon of Royal Soldiers running towards them.

Soldier 1: There they are

Soldier 2: Capture the fugitives!

Soldier 3: Let's get em men!

Future Lucy: (shock) The Royal Army?! I swear I didn't know they were stationed here, you guys!

Lucy: What do we do? 

Natsu, and Loke immediately steps forward, with smirks on their faces preparing to take on the Royal Army.

Natsu: We show 'em who's boss! (racks knuckles) We got magic, so there's no way they would stand against us!

Loke: (adjust his tie) Ain't that the truth.

Wendy: We've got a problem!

Everyone turned to look at Wendy as she and Mira were shocked. Wendy was pointing at the back of the group.

Wendy: Colonel Arcadios is missing!

Mira: Yukino's gone too!

Natsu: What?

Lucy: But they were both right behind us just a second ago!

Future Lucy however has her hood shading her eyes in fear.

Mira: Arcadios is one thing, but we can't leave Yukino...

Mira clenches her fists, and immediately turns the other direction of the long bright hallway 

Mira: ...I'm going back for her!

???: I wouldn't worry about her if I were you. 

Suddenly, several strikes of dark magic beams that shot through the chests of the royal guards, killing them at the spot. 

Lily: What was that?!

Carla: All those soldiers...

The rescue team looked and saw four wizards of Devil Hand approaching them. They were Iblis, Mammon, Beelzebub, and a girl who wore a dark green hooded robe to obscure her face, the only thing that made out was the white Pentagram symbol on the chest.

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