Chapter 9: A wizard battle

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The scene starts on the town of Crocus with Sting, Rogue, Yukino, Orga, Jura, Lyon, Sherria, Kagura, and Milliana are ready to face off against Samael, Satan, Leviatha, Asmodeua, Belphegor, and Aldramalech.

Satan: (cracking his knuckles) Let's see how strong you really are before I destroy you all for Good!

Sherria: Careful, these guys have some strong magic power.

Lyon: Yes, best not to let our guard down.

Belphegor: Can we do this quick so I can go back to sleep?

Asmodeua: Oh don't worry, Belphegor. We will finish this has quickly as possible. I really want to return to Y/N and give him a special treat~. (licks lips) Although, I could use a bit of fun for myself in this battle!

Orga: Heh. You Devil Hand punks really are a pain in the ass that deserves payback for ruining the games.

He brought his hands together and prepared an attack.

Orga: So how about I fry you all up myself?

Samael: Oh?

Orga: (smirk) You should know, I'm not an ordinary wizard. I'm a Lightning God Slayer, and I'm gonna beat ya all to half death and show everyone here why Sabertooth is the strongest!

Samael: Oh really? (chuckles) Then show us if you're really capable of doing that. Or are you just all bark and no bite?

Orga: (angry) Why you little?!

Aldramalech: (maniacal smile) Oh look guy's someone's is getting upset just by that little comment! Hahahahah!!

Orga: (angry) I'm gonna send you straight to hell! Lightning God Charged Particle Cannon!

He unleashed a blast concentrated beam of black lightning from his hands straight at the six members of the Ten Deadly Sins. The Sins dodged the black lightning blast, which destroys a nearby building as Satan Orga in the face, smashing him into the ground. 

Satan: Seriously? Was that your best attack? And you called yourself a God Slayer.

Orga's unconscious body then laid on the ground as his eyes were white circles and his mouth hung agape.

Satan: Guess you were just all bark and no bite after all.

The group of wizards were shocked by the fact that it only took one punch to decommissioned Orga and now knowing just how powerful The Devil Hand really is.

Samael: Now then, shall we get started?

Meanwhile at the castle, Fairy Tail was ready to begin their fight with Y/N and the Four Horsemen.

Y/N: First you refused my offer, now you dare strike at me? You've got a death wish, Fairy Tail.

Natsu launches another punch at Y/N, only for him to dodge the attack and counter it with a kick.

Natsu: Maybe, but either way, I'm planning to bring you back to Fairy Tail! EVEN IF I HAVE TO FORCE YOU!!

Y/N: Very well. Horsemen, take care of the Fairy Tail wizards.

Horsemen: Yes, Master.

The Horseman dash at the rest of The FairyTail Guild while Y/N fights Natsu alone in the process.

Natsu: (fist ignited in flames) Fire Dragon...

Y/N: (arm glows green) Gravity Demon...

Natsu/Y/N: Iron/Gravity Fist!

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