Rin Bio:

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(credit to @xyzdragon1234) 

Name: Rin Ferrer

Age: 18

Alias: Althea

Hair Color: Scarlet

Eye Color: Black (Glows Scarlet)

Gender: Female

Appearance: (Alongside a big bust the same size as Aine from Hybrid Heart the other sisters share the same)

Appearance: (Alongside a big bust the same size as Aine from Hybrid Heart the other sisters share the same)

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Personality: She's battle Crazy, Loves to fight, and loves a challenge. Even with her fighting personality, she's really friendly to be around and loves to fight her siblings. According to Rin, they're the only people who can give her a challenging fight. However, like her brother she's a completely different person when she fights her enemies she shares the same Serious and cold-blooded persona as the rest of her siblings and won't even hesitate to kill as well.

Guild Emblem Color: Red

Outfit: Black open jacket with a skintight bodysuit underneath, black Skirt that goes down to her knees, black stockings, and black 2-inch heel boots. 

Horsemen: War

Magic: Fire Demon Slayer Magic, Black Flame Magic, and Unlimited Blade Works.

Fire Demon Slayer Magic Spells: 

1. Fire Demon Rage: The most basic spell in which the user gathers magic power in their mouth and unleashes a stream of fire that scorches anything in its path. It can easily melt through walls and steel while water dragon slayers find their water unable to extinguish it and also being evaporated slowly.

2. Fire Demon Hell's Fist: The user gathers magic power in their hand or hands and encases it in fire, punching the target and inflicting burns on their flesh.

3. Fire Demon Claw: The user gathers magic energy in their hand or hands and strikes the target with their fingertips, leaving behind burning trails while they can also project burning claws towards their enemies.

4. Fire Demon Meteor Hammer: The user gathers magic power and focuses it around their person, being encased in a blazing orb which then lunges and slams the target.

5. Fire Demon Unholy Stakes: The user gathers magic power in their hand and does a swiping motion, creating a series of floating fire stakes that are fired towards the target, piercing and setting ablaze anything in their path. Alternatively, a user can generate one that they stab on the ground, filling a certain radius with countless fire stakes that erupt from the ground similar to what Vlad the Impaler did in wars putting any man or woman on spears and leaving them up there to die.

6. Fire Demon Blazing Kick: The user gathers magic power ignites their feet with flames and proceeds to assault the opponent with a powerful fire-enhanced kick, with the flames greatly augmenting the power of said kick.

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