Chapter Ten

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I have traveled with Malkai one time before. It was quick, and awkward. We were like two teenagers on a supervised date with their parents. This time around it's very different. We are on a time constraint, but he is pulling out all the stops. We have laid in fields of flowers, looked up at the stars, toasted our new relationship over thermoses of blood. He made sure that we stopped to see some of the state's historical sites. I must say that my favorite one by far is "Battlefield Park" in Quebec. They had a very large, impressive cannon that made me wish that I had the manpower to lug one of those around. 

"What are you thinking about?" Malkai asked. 

"The cannon." I say shamelessly. 

"You and your weapons." He says chuckling. 

"I had plans on buying this vintage shotgun after I completed my last job." I admit. 

"What an interesting choice. I would have picked a sniper rifle, just for the long-range ability but to each their own." He says. Curiosity and amusement paint his face.  

"I like to do business up close and personal." I said no amusement in my voice. 

Suddenly, I sense a powerful aura that comes with the presence of royalty. It's like having cold water dumped on top of you. I hope they don't expect any type of special treatment from me. Little do they know that I've slept in the icy depths, and I am immune to the cold no matter the type. 

Three gigantic guys eventually come into view. All of them are the definition of tall, dark, handsome and super broody. Not the type of people that I would normally align myself with. They emit the "Hi, I'm a pretentious prick hear me roar '' vibe. 

"Malkai, long time no see." The Werewolf King says pulling my mate into some type of hug.

"Hey, Maddox, thanks for coming out." He says grinning. 

"I can't believe, I am standing in front of the legendary vampire hunter." He says flashing me a mouth full of sharp jagged teeth. He offers me his hand, but I just look at it, making no move to shake it. 

"This is my mate, Nora Bleau." Malkai said smiling. 

"Well, let's get down to business. I know what you told me on the phone, but I would like to hear it from Miss Bleau." Maddox said, crossing his arms across his broad chest. Turning to give me all of his attention.

"There have been werewolves going missing from this pack for the past four years. While dealing with the missing they have had to defend themselves against large scale vampire attacks. When I questioned the alpha about the current situation, he shut down, denied everything, made excuses and lied. I gave him multiple opportunities to tell me the truth which he refused to do. I told him he was on his own and left with Malkai." I explain giving him a basic summary. 

"Is it true that you used to be a wolf?" He asked. 

"Mhm, I know quite a few of these guys personally, from my past life. I would prefer to keep my identity a secret for now." I said. 

"Sure, that's not a problem." He said. 

"So, what is the plan?" Malkai asked. 

"We are going to walk in there like we own the place." Maddox said, shrugging. 

My attention is pulled away by the rustling of some branches. There are no bushes in this area. Just thick, full trees. Werewolves can't climb trees, but vampires can. I glance at the men who are deep in conversation. They seem to be unaware of what's going on around us. The sound is now directly above us. I pull my gun out of its holster, wrack the slide and shoot directly into the trees above us. Ash rained down on top of us. 

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