Chapter Fifteen

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Something deep within me told me that climbing this building was a terrible idea. I am scared. Something bad is going to happen to me when I reach the top. No, I know something bad is going to happen to me when I reach the top. However, a building of this caliber doesn't just appear. We are in the middle of nowhere. Whatever the threat may be, it is my job as the Venatrix to eliminate the threat.

When I finally reached the top all I could see was thick black fog. It threatens to wrap itself around me. I can't be consumed. I have to push forward.

I walk around the top of the complex. All I can hear is the sounds of my boots clicking on the concrete tiles. I hear no voices. I see no indication that anyone has been living here. What the hell is going on?

"Welcome Venatrix." A woman said. I look around but all I see is the thick midnight fog.

"What do you want? What do you want with this pack?" I demand.

"We want you." She said, chuckling.

"If you wanted me, why attack this pack? Why not single me out? Why are innocent people losing their lives over this nonsense." I ask demanding answers.

"Alpha Hardy is partially to blame. The girl is very well protected. Since The Werewolf King and the Vampire King have arrived, they will make sure no one can touch her." She kindly explains.

"The Vampire King?" I asked, unable to hide my confusion.

"Ha! He didn't tell you. You bear the man's mark, but he didn't tell you that he has status. Your mate has betrayed you." She said laughing. All traces of the kindness in her voice are now gone.

"Malkai is the Vampire King? Why didn't he tell me?" I ask, unable to hide the astonishment and hurt in my voice.

"Your sire thinks your skills can be used elsewhere. We have many untrained vampires, and he wants you to train them." She offers.

"Train vampires?" I ask no one in particular.

"What is your answer, Venatrix?" She asked.

I watch the fog inch slowly make its way towards me. It doesn't matter what I want. She came here with one goal in mind and that was to convince me to go with her or drag me with her. It's the typical two options same result type thing. But if my mate doesn't feel like he can tell me who he is. Do we really have a chance at true happiness? Does he not trust me? Why did he feel the need to withhold this information from me? If this is how things between us are going to be then I have no desire to stay.

"I'll train your vampires on the condition that I don't have to see the man that sired me." I said flatly.

"I can agree to that." She said smiling.

The fog wraps itself around my legs. I know what this mist will do to me. It will take away my humanity. I will become a mindless, blood thirsty doll. I'll be the perfect yes man.

Maybe they will look for me. Maybe they will need me. Maybe Malkai will miss me. Will I miss his arms wrapped around me? Will I miss his kisses? They might decide that I am not worth it. Maybe they will forget about me? Maybe it will be as if I never existed at all. I wonder how Esmeray will feel knowing that I won't be around to train her? How will the pack feel when I am not there to help them train?

I grab my gun from its holster and throw it over the edge. It will be the one thing that belonged to me. It will be the sole proof that I was ever alive.

The mist wrapped itself around my torso like a vine. I am its prisoner. There is no escape. I don't try to fight it. I don't have any fight left in me. I close my eyes. I hold my breath just in time for the mist to enter my body. I can feel the darkness consuming my body. It locks itself around what is left of my humanity. It's consuming what is left of me.

"Take me to the vampires." I said looking at the dark figure that is no longer hidden with the mist.

"Your wish is my command." She said with a twisted grin on her face.

Before I could blink, everything that I ever thought I could ever want disappeared. My life has always found a way to make me miserable. None of that matters now.

"Venatrixes meet your new family." The woman gestured to the army of vampires standing at attention in front of me.

"Welcome to my army." I shout above the crowd. Darke vacant eyes is all I see. Perfect, no one will question me. They will simply absorb everything I tell them. They will act on my command.

"I am no longer the Venatrix. I am your commander. I will be your jury, your punisher and your executioner. Now let's get ready to end them." I state.

The crowd raise their fist and shout their praises. I let a twisted grin appear on my face. The pack will never see this coming. We will be victorious.

This is where I belong.  

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