Chapter Nine

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When Malkai said that we were going to have to return to Alaska, I couldn't hide the irritation that was painted on my face. I wanted to put as much distance between Light and myself as humanly possible. No, I wanted to be free of all of this. I can't change what happened to me. I can't rewrite our history, but I could try to keep my identity a secret.  That is going to be a hell of a lot harder to do if we are forced to work together. 

How would you feel if it turns out that the legendary vampire hunter was in fact a vampire? The champion for werewolves is a member of the enemy. It wouldn't matter if anyone knew me personally from my past life. It wouldn't matter that I am a person with emotions and feelings.  My reputation would be ruined, and I would be written off as exactly what I am; a slayer of my own kind. 

"Tell me what happened while you were on werewolf territory." Malkai demanded. His eyes are blazing with rage. Who is he mad at? My past life? Me for leaving the werewolves to their own demise? The rogue master vampire that may or may not be terrorizing everybody?

"I already told you. I presented my theories to the alpha. He shot down all of them. When I asked questions, he got defensive and shut down. I told him if he wasn't going to be honest, then I wasn't going to help." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"What were your theories?" He asked. 

"One, someone has a divine gift that a vampire might see as beneficial to their clan. Two, someone unknowingly made a deal with a master vampire; unaware of the consequences. Three, they are being kidnapped for experimentation." I explain by ticking the ideas off my fingers. 

"He denied everything?" He asked. 

"Yes, he said no one had a divine gift. No one was receiving any type of ransom note to indicate the unfilled end of a promise. Then, he added that everyone in his pack is taught at a young age, what vampires are capable of, and no one would be that stupid. If anything, he said it could be experimentation but even then, he seemed skeptical." I explain making quotation marks with my fingers. 

"What made you think he was lying?" He asked. 

"How he was acting. He was defensive, angry, closed off, and he wouldn't meet my eyes. Not to give myself too much credit; but if I had someone with my skill set who was willing to help me, I would give up any information that I had that could even potentially be helpful." I say unable to hide my growing agitation. What is this guy getting at?

"That makes sense." He agrees. 

"I think his sister has a divine gift. Why else would a small group of vampires kidnap her, tie her up and carry her off to the other side of the country?" I questioned. 

"I think you are on to something." He says nodding, taking everything in. 

"So, what do we do now?" I ask. 

"Well, first you go take a shower and while you do that, I am going to make a few phone calls." He says. 

"Who are you going to call?" I ask. 

"I am going to call the Werewolf King." He said casually. 

My mouth drops open. Questions that I want to ask dance on the tip of my tongue, but I snap my mouth closed thinking better of it. How the hell does he have connections to the Werewolf King? The Werewolf King is basically a myth amongst their kind. I mean he is real, but no one has ever seen him. Clearly, we are out of our element, but wouldn't it make more sense to get the vampire council involved? 

"Where is your bathroom?" I ask. 

"Straight down the hall second door on the left." He says not looking up from his phone. 

I just nod and make my way into the bathroom. Quickly stripping off my clothes, leaving them in a pile on the floor before stepping into the scalding hot shower. The additional stress from the past week starts to melt away. I use his body wash and shampoo, relishing in the smell. I lean my forehead against the shower wall and look down. The water is dark brown. All the dirt, grime and blood from the past four years is gratefully slipping away. 

I cut off the water and stepped out of the shower.  A towel had been laid out for me along with a nice sweater and a pair of jeans. I carefully dried off before putting on the clothes that surprisingly fit perfectly. When I left the bathroom, I found  Malkai sitting at the kitchen table. A smile appeared on his face when he saw me. 

"How did you know what size I would need? I couldn't even tell you what size clothes I would need." I gestured to the clothes that hugged my figure beautifully. 

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." He said. 

"Try me." I say putting my hands on my hips. 

"When vampires are close to meeting their mates, they start to have dreams or visions about their beloved. Your main features were always shrouded in shadows, but I did get to see you. I just wanted to be prepared for when I do get to meet you." He explains shyly, smiling. 

"That has to be the sweetest thing that I have ever heard." I said smiling. 

"How are we getting back to Alaska?" I ask. 

"The same way that we got here. The Werewolf King and his troop aren't going to cross into their territory until we get there." He explains. 

"Okay, um do you have something that I can cover my face with?" I ask. 

"I might, why?" He asked, arching an eyebrow. 

"Well, I left my mask in Alaska. I know a lot of them, and I don't want them to know who I am. Well, not until I am ready at least. I really haven't been around anyone since I was changed either." I explain shrugging sheepishly. 

"You have no practice controlling your thirst? I have a welding helmet in the basement." He says, his eyes wide with understanding. 

He disappears down the hall and quickly returns with the helmet and a full duffle bag. It's heavier than the gas mask. It will shield my eye color and block my sense of smell. I place it on my head and adjust it so it won't move.  As I lace up my boots, Malkai heads over to the fridge and pulls out five thermoses. Then carefully place them in the bag. 

"Are you ready?" He asked. My hands wrap around the ring tied around my neck. It now feels foreign. It doesn't bring me the same warmth and joy that it did just a few days ago. I untie it and place it in my palm. 

"Is there a lake nearby?" I ask. 

"Yeah, about two miles on the south side of the property, why?" He asked clearly confused 

"Great, let's go." I said, following Malkai outside. He locks the door behind us. Then we leisurely walked to the lake. The property outside the house is just as beautiful as the inside. I love the wildflowers, and the weeping willows.   

Once, we were standing in front of the lake. I knew what I had to do. Light was my past and Malkai is my future. 

"Are you sure Nora?" Malkai asked, eyeing the ring in my palm. I lean forward placing a chaste kiss on his lips before raring back and throwing the ring into the lake. I watched as it was pulled underneath the surface. Now that it's gone, I feel lighter. 

"I don't need a ring that symbolizes the love that I had with someone else. He is my past and you are my future. I'm not perfect. I'm still struggling with this life. Things aren't going to be easy, but I know that I can accomplish anything with you by my side. If you will have me, I would be more than honored to be by your side for all of eternity." I say not taking my eyes off the lake. 

"I've waited a long time for you Nora Bleau. I know that I have said this quite a few times, but you were made for me. You don't have to ask to be mine because you are already mine. I will love you for all of eternity." He declares pulling me into a slow burning kiss. When we broke away, he rested his forehead against mine. 

"Alright, let's go save some helpless pups." He said, flashing me a crooked smile. I couldn't help but to laugh. He is perfect and I will follow him anywhere.  

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