Chapter Twenty-Eight -Malkai

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"Maddox." I bellow as I tackle Nora to the ground. Maddox quickly appears followed by his gophers. His eyes widen as he sees Nora's animalistic state. Her black eyes are vacant. Her fangs are out and snapping at the air aching for a victim to sink their teeth into. Her body is thrashing trying to break my hold with some type of new found strength. 

"What do you need?" Maddox asked, trying to quickly gauge to situation

"Help me hold her down and send one of them to get blood. We need a lot of blood. She's farel and  i'm not far behind." I gritt, adjusting my hold on Nora to prevent her from lunging at Maddox.

"Go! Get as much as you can!" Maddox barks to his beta and gamma. Just when they turned to walk away Hikaru appeared. His eyes widen and his lip curls up in a snarl. 

"Take the witch with you." Maddox yells. 

"No!" Hikaru said. 

"Go with them! If she gets a hold of you she will kill you." I breathe out struggling to keep my mate flat on the floor. 

"Take him with you." Maddox orders his men. Without a second thought they grab Hikaru under his arms and drag him off. 

"Man if she bites me." Maddox warns. 

"Carefully walk around behind me and sit on her legs." I ordered. When he starts to move her head snaps up. I fist my fingers through her hair and slam her face down on the floor using my other hand to hold the base of her neck. 

"What happened man?" Maddox asked, sitting on her knees. 

"She was okay. She drank some blood. We somewhat reconnected. She was pretty emotionless but considering recent events i'm not surprised. She seemed to be under control until we opened the door." I explain trying to rub soothing circles on my mates back. 

"What did the demon do to her?" He asked.

"I don't know. When I asked, the only answer that I got was "He showed me everything and nothing at all." I said mimicking Nora's voice. 

"What does that even mean?" He asked pushing down on her legs as she started to struggle. 

"I don't know and  I don't want to find out." I admit. A slew of muffled curses came from my mate. Then she started struggling harder. 

"Baby, try to relax. Relief is on its way." I whisper. She relaxes again, her head is still pinned to the floor. I know I said I didn't want to know what happened between them but I do. She spent a long time trapped in god knows where with him. What did they talk about? What did he show her? Did he offer her a deal? If so, did she take it? I've never seen Nora act like this ever.

"He gave her his powers. That's why she needs more blood." I say with wide eyes. 

"Why would she need his powers? She's stronger than over half of the people here." He asked.

"He must know something that we don't." I say through my teeth. 

"What's taking them so long?" Maddox hisses when Nora's foot swings out in an attempt to kick him.

A few minutes later they reappeared carrying six blood bags. A measly pint a piece. I don't know if this is going to be enough. It's at least got to take the edge off.

"One of you takes three of these and pour them in a cup with a straw. She's not getting up until she has some blood in her system." Maddox orders. His commands make me angry. This is my mate. I should be the one calling the shots. I bare my teeth at him.

"Sorry man. I wasn't thinking. You can put the fangs away." He said, raising his hands in surrender. 

One of his lackeys reappears holding a cup with a long straw attached. Once it is placed in my hand I force Nora's head to the side. I cringe when I see the lifeless black eyes. Hopefully this will fix some of it. I tilt the cup down and place the straw in her mouth. She greedily sucks down the liquid. By the time the cup was empty I saw that her eyes were no longer black. a dark wine color has taken its place. 

"Hikaru, will you hand me one of those bags?" I asked and with a curt nod he tossed one to me. I tear the top of the bag off and chug it. When Nora didn't react I motioned for Maddox to get off of her. When he reaches his feet, I roll off of her and help her to her feet. She looks at me with a pained smile.

"I think we should all go inside and talk." Maddox said, gesturing towards the door. 

"I couldn't agree more." I said. 

"Yes, it's time to end this shit once and for all." She hisses before strutting through the open door.  

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