Chapter Seventeen- Malkai

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Living in Alaska has got me accustomed to being awake and having the ability to move freely during the day. Traveling to Montana has reminded me exactly what I am. A vampire. I can't help but wonder how much Nora struggled traveling with Esmeray. She didn't know what Nora was. Maddox knows what I am, and this still sucks.

"God, I miss her." I said looking up at the dark starless sky.

"Hopefully Mizu can help us." Maddox said, offering a smile.

"If we wait too long, we won't be able to save her. The darkness ruins everything it touches. It will slowly eat away at who she was." I say letting frustration leak through.

"I think there was someone waiting for her on that rooftop. This person had to have the ability to compel us. Then once they got Nora alone, they told her the truth. She started questioning everything and then they used that moment of weakness to their benefit. " Maddox said,offering his theory.

"I think you're right about someone being on that rooftop. I also think you're right about them telling her the truth. If it was just a vampire Nora would have fought them. I mean she is The Venatrix for Christ's sake. You are wrong about one thing. Vampires can't compel wolves. How did they do it?" I explained, clearly frustrated.

"We are missing something. " Maddox said, sighing.

"There has to be another major player outside of Nettle." I said.

"I haven't been king for very long but I have heard some stories about magical beings." He said

"Like what?" I asked, letting my curiosity get the best of me.

"My father used to tell me about witches of two different capacities. One, the light witch. They descend from angel blood and have special powers they can only use for good. Two, the dark witch. They descend from demon blood and can only use their powers for evil. I've never met one, so I don't know if it's true or not." He said.

"I've met a witch or two over the years. Most of them were hunted down and killed or they went into hiding. The likelihood that a witch is involved would be slim but if one were to be involved." I start.

"It would be a dark witch." Maddox said finishing my sentence.

"The likelihood of us finding a light witch would be next to none. However, it would be of great help." I sigh.

"What are we going to do if Mizu won't help us?" Maddox asked.

"If you are right and Nora is mad at me for lying. I won't be enough to stop her. If she won't help us then we will have to figure something else out." I said with determination.

"I hope so. The little that I do know about Nora is she doesn't want to kill anyone. Well, anyone who doesn't deserve it." Maddox said, smiling. In his own way, he is trying to cheer me up.

"It's going to be daylight soon. We need to find somewhere to hide." Maddox said, looking around.

"Nora used to sleep in water during daylight hours." I say thinking out loud.

"Like lakes, ponds or oceans?" Maddox asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, maybe we can find a place near some water." I offer.

"Will you be comfortable with that?" he asked.

"I'm not sure but if she could do it, so can I." I said, trying to sound convincing.

I know it's not going to be comfortable. I don't need to breathe but it's second nature. I can't imagine having to hold my breath for twelve hour eight to twelve hours.

Nora would know what to do.

I've never relied on anyone. I have always made decisions on my own. I have been comfortable alone. I never knew what it meant to be lonely. Meeting Nora has changed everything.

"Is it deep enough?" Maddox asked, pulling me away from my thoughts.

I glance at the body of water. The water looks nasty. It's dark, murky and reeks of. It looks to be at least eight foot deep and has a lot of forest cover. If I curl up it will work. I still hesitate. I don't want to do this. I glance up at the sky. The sun has started to rise. I have no choice.

"Watch my stuff?" I ask grimacing.

"Not a problem." Maddox said.

I quickly strip out of my clothes and then dive headfirst into the water. I sink down to its sandy bottom. I let my breath out, sending bubbles up to the surface. I've been alive for a long time and have never felt like I wasn't human until now. I should feel like I'm drowning. I should feel like I'm suffocating but I'm not. I should be doing everything that I can to fight for my life. I don't need to because I'm already dead.

As I slowly drifted off to sleep all I could think about was my mate. 

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